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Arminius on the Word of God

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this post is provided by SEA member, Roy Ingle DISPUTATION V ON THE RULE OF RELIGION, THE WORD OF GOD, AND THE SCRIPTURES IN PARTICULAR I. As religion is the duty of man towards God,…

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Ben Witherington III, “Why I’m Not a Calvinist”

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this video, distinguished New Testament scholar Ben Witherington shares his reason why he’s not a Calvinist. You can also view the video at Dr. Witherington’s blog, where he interacts with commenters.   Youtube:

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James White on Matthew 23:37


James White recently discussed Matthew 23:37 on Radio Free Geneva in response to Dr. Norman Geisler’s book Chosen but Free. Here’s the passage. Matthew 23:37-39 states: 37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the…

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James White on 2 Peter 3:9

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In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom 1, he objects to Norman Geisler’s use of 2 Peter 3:9 in his book Chosen But Free 2. Here’s the passage. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second…

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James White on Romans 8:28-30

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In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom1, he argues for unconditional election based on Romans 8:28-30.  Here’s the passage:  Romans 8:28-30: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,…

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Who Believes in Total Depravity?

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The following 10 quotes come from different authors surrounding the doctrine of total depravity. Their order has been randomly generated, so read to the end to find out the author and their respective soteriological standing!…

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