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St. Justin on Pre-determinism

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[This post was taken from ] For me, one great attraction of the theology of the Wesleys (and indeed other Anglicans like C.S. Lewis) is their strong assertion that we humans really are responsible agents,…

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Roger Olson, “Why (High) Calvinism Is Impossible”

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By “impossible” I don’t mean, of course, “doesn’t exist.” I mean “exists but doesn’t work.” By “doesn’t work” I mean “cannot be believed consistently and coherently.” In brief, my argument is that belief in the…

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Roger Olson, “Arminianism and Providence”

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One of the questions I’m asked most often is about God’s providence in Arminian theology. Most people know that Arminians do not believe that God micromanages history or human lives–especially not in terms of evil.…

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Roger Olson, “Is Arminianism ‘Reformed?'”

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A minor controversy exists among Arminian scholars (and some non-Arminian Reformed scholars have chimed in) about whether classical Arminianism can legitimately lay claim to being part of the Reformed theological tradition. The question is this:…

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