In the comments on Austin Fischer’s reply to John Piper’s criticism of his book,Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed, a Calvinist named Clayton Hutchins got into a discussion with Fischer that is helpful for laying out…
Recent Posts
Helpful Conversation between Austin Fischer and an Interlocutor
J. C. Wenger, Excerpt on Apostasy from His Introduction to Theology
Please click on the link to view J.C. Wenger (1910-1995) on apostasy, taken from J. C. Wenger, Introduction to Theology: A Brief Introduction to the Doctrinal Content of Scripture Written in the Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition (Scottdale: Herald…
Ronnie Rogers, “Do the ‘Doctrines of Grace’ Affect Evangelism”
Please click on the link to view Ronnie Rogers, “‘Do the ‘Doctrines of Grace’ Affect Evangelism?“. A key point made by the article: “The fact is, the doctrine of regeneration preceding faith dictates that the gospel—good…
Christopher Fisher, “The Pelagian Heresy and Today’s Sexual Revolution”
Who would guess that the ancient heresy of Pelagianism would rear its head again in our generation in the context of the sexual revolution? Yet there it is, underlying a significant argument for the legitimacy…
Dr. Jerry Walls, “Clive (C.S.) Lewis and the Pious Calvinist Confusions of John Piper”
Dr. Jerry Walls speaks about John Piper’s recent book, Does God Desire All to Be Saved?. From the video’s YouTube page: Dr. Jerry Walls gives his critique of Calvinism, and more specifically, John Piper’s written…
Denny Kuhn, “Can God Handle Sin Sinlessly? Determinism and the Relationship between God and Evil”
Please click on the link to view Denny Kuhn, “Can God Handle Sin Sinlessly? Determinism and the Relationship between God and Evil,” Integrity: A Journal of Christian Thought 3 (2006) 91-110. Reprinted by permission of the…
Dave Treat, “4 Ways Prevenient Grace Relates to the Missio Dei”
The Church periodically re-discovers dormant truths. Not the elaborate constructions of creative theologians, but the simple, profound keys that unlock difficult passages or concepts. The moment of discovery is usually marked by an exclamation (“Duh!”)…
Dr. Adam Harwood on Why the Gospel is for Everyone
In this video Dr. Adam Harwood talks about how the gospel is a message for every person because: 1. God loves every person 2. Christ died for every person 3. God wants to save every…
“Author Says Calvinism Can’t Make Sense of the Cross:” Jonathan Merritt/Religion News Service Interview with Austin Fischer about His Book *Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed*
Please click on the link to view the Jonathan Merritt/Religion News Service Interview with Austin Fischer about His Book Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed.
A Layman’s View of the Debate over Free Will between Calvinists and Evangelical Non-Calvinists
The following comment (now with a little editing) was left in the comment thread of Braxton Hunter’s reply defending his article in favor of the free will of man against the criticisms of Tom Hicks:…
Braxton Hunter, “Answering Tom Hicks on the Free Will of Man”
Please click on the link to view Braxton Hunter, “Answering Tom Hicks on the Free Will of Man”.
Roger Olson, “The ‘Chief End of Man’…God’s Glory…Yes and Amen (But…)”
Recently I re-read Jonathan Edwards “Dissertation on the End for Which God Created the World.” And I watched and listened to John Piper’s address about why the evangelical church needs Edwards’ “God-entranced vision” today. (It’s…
Shane Blackshear Interview of Austin Fischer about His Book *Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed*
Shane Blackshear’s interview with Austin Fischer about Fischer’s book, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey In and Out of Calvinism, may be found here.
John Frye, Review of *Young, Restless and No Longer Reformed*
[The following review appeared on Scot McKnight’s blog “Jesus Creed” in 2 parts: Part 1 and Part 2.] Young, Restless, and no longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey in and out of Calvinism caught…
Ronnie Rogers, “Calvinism Diminishes God”
Please click on the link to view to view Ronnie Rogers, “Calvinism Diminishes God”.
Daily Scripture Commentary: Continuance in Salvation (eternal security) and Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if…
Steven Costley, “Hermeneutics of 2 Peter 3:9—’Us all’ or ‘you all’?”
[Please note that this article comes from a 4 point Calvinist website. We include it here because it is supportive of the biblical and Arminian view of unlimited atonement and an Arminian view of 2…
Why the Resurrection Matters (Resurrection is Everything)
By Matt O’Reilly “Why celebrate Easter?” That’s an honest question that was put to me recently by a man who is deeply interested in religion, though intentionally not part of any orthodox Christian tradition. His…
Easter And The Resurrection:
7 Minute Seminary (video)
This video is from by Ben Witherington III. See here for original post.
A Good Friday
Let me rephrase what Jesus said to the rich young ruler: why do we call today good? I love Jesus. He comforts me, He takes care of me, and He defines my very existence. Yet…