The Friday Files compiles posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinist bloggers from round the globe, and highlights older SEA posts. Names in green indicate SEA members. Inclusion isn’t necessarily endorsement. Blame K.W. Leslie for the brief summaries.
Biblical exposition
- Ed Jarrett, A Clay Jar:
- “A sign to reveal his glory—John 2:11.” [10 Sep 17] Why did Jesus turn water to wine?
- “Because God loves us—John 3:16.” [13 Sep 17] How amazing that the God of creation knows and loves us.
- D.V. Wayman, Ironstrikes: “Uncle Buddy: Caught in their own trap.” [10 Sep 17] After God preserved Daniel from the lions’ den, Daniel’s accusers didn’t fare so well.
Lifestyle and sanctification
- Stacy J. Ross, Ramblings from Real Man’s Land: “Meditate on the power of God.” [13 Sep 17] Don’t focus on what we can do, but what God can do.
Theology and history
- Michael L. Brown, Ask Dr. Brown: “Hearing God’s voice in the midst of the storm.” [8 Sep 17] Not saying hurricanes and fires are judgment, but they are definitely reminders we need our Maker.
- Erik Cooper, Beyond the Risk: “The two main ways we completely miss the gospel.” [2 Aug 17] The extremes Christians go to instead of authentically presenting the gospel.
- Leighton Flowers (Trad. Baptist), Soteriology 101: “Should predestination preclude persuasion?” [10 Sep 17] The apostles tried to persuade people of the gospel’s truth. Shouldn’t we?
- K.W. Leslie, Christ Almighty!: “Hurricanes and bad theodicy.” [11 Sep 17] Why not all natural disasters are part of God’s plan.
- Scot McKnight, Jesus Creed: “Creeds: An imperative.” [11 Sep 17] Having “no creed but the Bible,” Calvinist theologians are lately defying the ancient creeds. Carl Trueman’s latest book emphasizes their importance.
- Evan Minton, Cerebral Faith: “An objection to premise 3 of the maximally great argument for Arminianism.” [9 Sep 17] If Jesus truly loves everyone, he’s moved to die for the non-elect as well as elect.
- Roger E. Olson, My Evangelical Arminian Theological Musings: Arminianism is grace-centered theology.” [12 Sep 17] Olson defines Arminianism for the First Baptist Church of Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Videos and podcasts
- Michael L. Brown, Ask Dr. Brown: “Did Jesus claim to be God?” [13 Sep 17] Absolutely yes. He clearly associated himself with deity.
- Leighton Flowers (Trad. Baptist), Soteriology 101: “What John MacArthur gets wrong about Arminius and Finney” [14 Sep 17] A response to MacArthur’s error-filled video in which he misrepresents Arminianism.
- How to be Christian: “The fall of James White—Thank you, Mr. White!” [13 Sep 17] James White critiqued a “How to be Christian” video; turnabout is fair play.
From the SEA archives
- Solus Arminius:
- “The confession and catechism support Arminianism.” [4 Aug 11] The more explicit statements regarding election unto salvation in the Belgic Confession and Heidelberg Catechism support Arminius’s doctrine of election.
- “Calvinism’s god is Satan and other such nonsense.” [8 Aug 11] How anti-Calvinist rhetoric can turn into a blight on the integrity and unity of Christ’s body.
- “Faith is not a work.” [11 Aug 11] And anyway God saves by grace.
- “Justin Taylor, Ardel Caneday, and the new (gnostic) Calvinism.” [15 Aug 11] Recent Calvinists patronizingly claim we Arminians don’t understand because God hasn’t opened our eyes.
- “Arminius’s analysis of Romans 9.” [18 Aug 11] His letter to Gellius Snecanus on the latter’s books on the subject.
- “Arminius on the repercussions of the freedom of God.” [22 Aug 11] God chose covenant over determinism.
- “James Arminius on the stage of time.” [24 Aug 11] Arminius’s person and character.
- Martin Glynn: “Boasting.” [9 Aug 11] Calvinists claim we boast of our salvation; here’s what they don’t understand.
- Roger E. Olson: “Do we need an Arminian Defense League?” [25 Aug 11] No, but Google “Arminianism” and the first things that come up are misrepresentations.
- Rebekah Reinagel: “Assigning responsibility for sin: Calvinism and the theory of secondary causes.” [19 Aug 11] Calvinists claim God suborning sin isn’t itself sin. Why that doesn’t work.