It’s the St. Juventius’s Day edition of the Friday Files, where we dig up previous SEA articles and links, and give you a little something to read over the weekend. They don’t always reflect the views of SEA; sometimes Calvinists wrote ’em. But we expect you’ll find them informative.
SEA members’ names are in blue. Posts from the first week of February…
Last year! (2018)
• D.V. Wayman informs us of the Nazarenes’ 2017-21 manual in “Church of the Nazarene: A New Manual Reflects New Changes.” Not new doctrines, but stuff gets updated, y’know.
• Landon DeCrastos shares a lesson from Joshua in “Consecrate Yourselves”—before marching into Canaan, the Hebrews had to get straight with God.
• The Remonstrance podcast presents episode 31 and episode 32, “Christian Perfection”: What did John Wesley teach on the topic? What’s the difference between perfection and sanctification? How perfect can a Christian get in our sinful world? How do we pursue perfection?
Five years ago! (2014)
• Kevin Jackson asks, “How Can a Dead Person Believe Unless God Makes Him Alive?” Well it depends on how we define “spiritually dead”—how dead is that? And what must God do?
• Roger E. Olson, “Why I Don’t Respond to Every Critic or Debate Every Calvinist.” It’s not just because Dr. Olson has a day job. Frankly, some debaters aren’t trustworthy.
• Roger E. Olson, “Does God Foreordain and Render Certain Sins? (And Why Some Questions Annoy Me).” Condescending questions are irritating, and not only does Olson not wanna answer them again; he wishes they’d recognize determinism’s primary flaw is that it turns God into the author of evil.
• Roger E. Olson, “Young. Restless. No Longer Reformed. (A Really Good New Book.)” A plug for Austin Fischer’s book about his journey out of Calvinism.
• Evan Minton, “Do Arminians Believe In A Works Based Doctrine?” Of course not; we believe in grace. But it’s resistible, and the work of resisting God sometimes gets confounded with the idea accepting him might also be a work.
Ten years ago! (2009)
• Kevin Jackson, “According to Scripture, Jesus Died for….” A list of proof texts demonstrating Jesus died for everyone.
• TrueHope, “Atonement for All.” Since Jesus died for everyone, everyone can be saved… but the onus is on them to believe.
• Daniel Nebauer, “Consistent Calvinism FAQ (Satire).” Got concerns about living a Christian life consistent with your Calvinist beliefs? Relax; it doesn’t matter either way, ’cause predestination.
• Kevin Jackson, “Foreknowledge Defined.” Simply put, God exhaustively knows the future.
• Adam Clarke, “Commentary on Romans 9.” God’s choice between Jacob and Esau was primarily national, not individual. Not that national salvation means individual salvation; we still gotta follow God on our own.
More reading material.
If you check out our members’ blogs you’ll find a few of ’em go back even farther than SEA does. So if you’re looking for good stuff to read, there ya go.