It’s the St. Victorinus’s Day edition of the Friday Files: Every week we look back at previously-posted stuff in the SEA archives. That’s right, we; all nine of us who are such theology nerds, we get nostalgic for four-year-old stuff.
The views expressed in these articles aren’t always that of SEA. Our members’ names are in blue… and even their views aren’t always that of SEA. But usually.
Review of From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective.
David L. Allen, 10 July – 4 September 2014.
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• Part 10. 10 July 2014. Beginning with the Pentateuch, the authors look at all the scriptures which support definite [i.e. limited] atonement. Problem is there aren’t any—not even underdeveloped ideas!—so they spend much of their time explaining why these passages don’t mean what they appear to.
• Part 11. 15 July 2014. Alec Motyer on Isaiah 53, which is great till he tries to eisegete definite atonement into it.
• Part 12. 20 July 2014. Matthew Harmon on three Johannine passages, how they only appear to affirm universal atonement, and a bit of sloppy logic.
• Part 13. 23 July 2014. Jonathan Gibson’s big ol’ chapter on Pauline letters, and how he doesn’t deal with 1 Corinthians 15.3-11.
• Part 14. 29 July 2014. Having failed to produce any definite Pauline support of definite atonement, Gibson nonetheless tries to pull theological conclusions from misquoted scriptures and false dilemmas.
• Part 15. 1 August 2014. Tom Schreiner addresses New Testament texts which might present problems for the definite atonement view. Once he’s done with them… they still do.
• Part 16. 18 August 2014. Donald Macleod gets into the different ways Christians interpret predestination.
• Part 17. 26 August 2014. Robert Letham on how unlimited atonement supposedly disrupts the trinity—’cause dying for all, yet not saving all, feels to him like a paradox.
• Part 18. 4 September 2014. Garry Williams insists if you believe in penal substitutionary atonement, you gotta believe in definite atonement.
[There are even more parts! But that’s enough for this week.]
Arminianism FAQ: “Everything you always wanted to know.”
Roger E. Olson, 4–11 July 2014.
Read Posts at Patheos →
• Part 1. 4 July 2014. On classical Arminianism, whether it’s a sect, why it’s identified with Arminius, why the interest, and “Calminianism.”
• Part 2. 7 July 2014. On Arminianism versus Wesleyanism, “absolute free will,” and God’s sovereignty.
• Part 3. 9 July 2014. On open theism, Molinism, meriting one’s salvation, leaning towards liberal theology, and whether Arminianism is about free will.
• Part 4. 11 July 2014. On Romans 9, the lack of Arminian populists, and why Arminians shun the label.
• Part 5. 14 July 2014. On prevenient grace, God’s foreknowledge, and essentials which distinguish Arminianism from Calvinism.
“‘What should we call the new Calvinism?’ How about ‘the new Calvinism’?”
Brian Abasciano, 21 July 2014. Since the movement’s already called that, why coin a new label?
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“Playing with action figures.”
Martin Glynn, 22 July 2014. How the Calvinist view of God reduces him to a 6-year-old creating a crisis and its resolution with his toys… and reduces us to similar irrelevance.
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So much to read! If you’ve the time.
There are loads of articles in the SEA archives, and SEA has links to what our members write. Both the latest stuff and their archives. Check ’em out.
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