It’s the St. Silas Day edition of the Friday Files. (You remember Silas, right? God busted him out of jail in Corinth? Cowrote Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians? Yeah, that guy.)
The Friday Files are a look back at some of SEA’s older articles. The views expressed therein tend to be those of SEA. There are exceptions. Certainly some of us will take exception to some things, like K.W. Leslie’s brief summaries. Anyway they’re not always. SEA members are highlighted in blue.
James White on…
Dan Chapa, 16-18 October 2013
• Romans 8:28-30.” White redefines proginosko/“foreknow” as “chooses to enter into a relationship with,” then (’cause he would) assumes it’s unconditional. Read Post →
• 2 Peter 3:9.” Apparently God is not willing that any of the elect should perish. The rest of the world? Meh. Read Post →
• Matthew 23:37.” Apparently Jesus’s lament over Jerusalem is only directed towards its leaders, not its people. (Though either way, somebody’s resisting God’s will, y’notice.) Read Post →
James Arminius on…
James Arminius, posted 21, 23 October 2013
• The attributes of God from the viewpoint of his will.” They get called God’s “divine attributes,” but they’re basically his emotions, affections, and attitudes towards his people—if we want to use human language about it. Read Post →
• The word of God.” The purpose of the scriptures, and how they define our duty towards God, which Arminius calls “religion.” Read Post →
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