It’s the Star Wars Day edition of the Friday Files. What, no saint to mark the day? Well, I could’ve brought up St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine, but y’all know you love the movies. Yoda Arminius especially.

The Friday Files are SEA’s weekly look back at stuff we posted years ago, because nostalgia is huge these days. Hence Star Wars Day. (See what I did there?) The views expressed don’t always reflect those of SEA and our members. Members’ articles are highlighted in blue.
“Once saved, always saved?”
Waldemar Kowalski, Mar 2012
The word of God offers many vivid and impassioned warnings that make sense only if a believer can forfeit salvation by rejecting a relationship with God.
Read Post at Enrichment Journal →
“Some support for corporate election in the ESV Study Bible.”
SEA Admin, 15 Apr 2012
Looks like some ideas which support Arminian beliefs managed to slip past the study bible’s Calvinist editors
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“The extent of spiritual death.”
Christopher C. Chapman, Oct-Dec 1996
It’s not Lazarus of Bethany, but the prodigal son of Jesus’s parable, who best represents the condition of “spiritually dead.”
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“God uses moral power, not force.”
S.D. Gordon, posted 16 Apr 2012
God can, and sometimes does, use physical force. So does the devil. But far greater than this is a moral force which the devil cannot withstand.
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“The main reason we reject Calvinism.”
Roy Ingle, posted 17 Apr 2012
Arminians are regularly accused of embracing our beliefs due to pride, as if we wish to take some (or any) credit for our salvation. In fact the reason we reject the Calvinist view is because God is love, but under Calvinism God’s meticulous determinism overwhelms anything resembling love.
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“Am I predestined to be an Arminian?”
A.M. Mollett, 18 Oct 2008
If you really do believe in determinism, and (unlike some Calvinists) sincerely believe Arminians are sisters and brothers in Christ, the very existence of Arminians implies God does sovereignly want us as we are.
Read Post at An Introspective of an Arminian Christian →
“John 3:16 Conference addresses Calvinism.”
Aaron Earls, 11 Apr 2013
Southern Baptists address the differences between Calvinists and non-Calvinists—namely how far the atonement goes.
Read Post at Christian Telegraph →
“Presentations from the second John 3:16 Conference”
Jerry Vines, Adam Harwood, David L. Allen, Emir Caner, Eric Hankins, Steve Gaines, 21-22 Mar 2013
The main speeches at the conference, taking various positions on the atonement and its extent.
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Dr. Michael Brown vs. Dr. James White on predestination, election, and the will of God.
Michael L. Brown, James White, 14 Feb 2013
The debate between Arminian and SEA member Dr. Michael L. Brown, and Calvinist Dr. James White, at Southern Evangelical Seminary.
View Video at YouTube →
“Where was God when the fertilizer plant exploded?”
Roger E. Olsen, 19 Apr 2013
God is good; on that Christians are agreed. So what does that mean in the light of deadly disasters?
Read Post at Patheos →
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