As promised, it’s the St. Onesimus’s Day edition of the Friday Files—SEA’s weekly roundup of older posts, plus articles found round the blogosphere thought to be of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues.
Names in green indicate our SEA members. Inclusion on this page does not mean endorsement: Some of the articles are Calvinist, and we do try to warn you not all the views expressed are that of SEA and its members. K.W. Leslie wrote the brief summaries.
From the SEA archives:
SEA Admin.
- • “Exposing Calvinist forgery in the paper trail of prophesied prayers.”
[4 Mar 2013] A point-by-point refutation of James N. Anderson’s “Arminianism and the paper trail of prophesied prayers,” and whether determinism and prayer are compatible. - • “Magic hand-waving in the Calvinist cause.”
[5 Mar 2013] Further addressing Anderson’s “Arminianism and the paper trail…” plus Steve Hays’ critiques in the comment section.Brian Abasciano. “2 Thessalonians 2:13, Greek grammar, and conditional election.”
[2 Mar 2013] “God chose you to salvation through faith.” Bill Mounce figures “faith” modifies “salvation,” whereas Abasciano is pretty sure it modifies “chose.”Gregory Boyd (Open Theist), ReKnew. “How do you respond to Exodus 4:11?”
[17 Jan 2008] The LORD states he makes mortals mute or deaf. Does that mean all infirmities are willed by God?Christopher Chapman. “Calvinism’s missing contexts: Part 1.”
[10 Mar 2013] How Calvinists ignore history and misuse Philippians 1.29, 1 Thessalonians 1.4-5, and 2 Thessalonians 2.13-14.David Croteau (Calvinist). “I Think My Daughter’s an Arminian.”
[21 Jan 2010, video] The usual slanders about Arminianism in the lyrics give away the songwriter as a Calvinist. His response to “I Think My Wife’s a Calvinist.”Ransom Dunn. “A discourse on the freedom of the will.”
[1 Mar 1850] Dunn’s defense of free will at the Boston Quarterly Meeting in 1850.The Economist. “The new Calvins: Tension inside one of America’s most successful churches.”
[7 Oct 2010] Ten percent of Southern Baptist pastors identify themselves as Calvinist. Some worry that’s a seismic shift in the SBC.Benjamin Field. Handbook of Christian Theology.
[1870, PDF] Field’s textbook of basic Christian doctrines.John Goodwin. An Exposition of the Ninth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans. With the Banner of Justification Displayed.
[1835] Check it out; it’s on Google Books.Roy Ingle.
- • “The awakening of God to our sins.”
[2 Mar 2013] God alone makes us aware of our need for him, brings us to faith, and saves us.- • “Adam Clarke on God’s rejection of the Jews (Romans 9-11).”
[6 Mar 2013] The passage isn’t about God predestining individuals to salvation (or not), but about the Jews rejecting the gospel.Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry (Traditionalist). “Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptists perspectives on soteriology.”
[Spring 2011, PDF] Baptist scholars discuss Thomas Grantham’s views, and the difference between Calvinist and traditional Baptist views.Rebekah Reinagel. “95 theses.”
[31 Oct 2010, PDF] Much as Martin Luther’s theses objected to the selling of indulgences, Reinagel’s object to Calvinism’s many slanders of God’s character.Glen Shellrude. “The freedom of God in mercy and judgment: A libertarian reading of Romans 9:6-29.”
[2009, PDF] The unbelief of Israel, and belief of the gentiles, wasn’t ordained nor predestined: God was free to deal with the situation with mercy and judgment as appropriate.
Recently on the interwebs:
Ijaz Ahmad (Muslim), Calling Christians to the Truth of Islam. “Consistent Calvinism and textual criticism.”
[9 Feb 2018] According to Calvinist scholar Herman Bavinck, if you base your interpretation of scripture on historical exegesis, your doctrine is founded on history, not scripture.William Lane Craig (Molinist), Reasonable Faith. “A question about free will and suffering.”
[11 Feb 2018, audio] Craig takes a listener’s question about theodicy.Andrew David, Gospel Encounter. “Dr. Ben Witherington on the exegetical evidence for prevenient grace.”
[14 Feb 2018] In his review of W. Brian Shelton’s Prevenient Grace: God’s Provision for Fallen Humanity, Witherington emphasizes the generally prevenient work of God in the world.Leighton Flowers (Traditionalist), Soteriology 101. “Romans 8:28-30: Foreknowledge and predestination.”
[14 Feb 2018] How do you define foreknowledge: Calvinist foreordination or Arminian foreseeing? Here Flowers presents the idea of “formerly knowing.”J.D. Hall (Calvinist), Pulpit & Pen. “Who is Calvinist Batman? Meet Matthew Manchester.”
[15 Feb 2018] Continuing Pulpit & Pen’s practice of exposing Twitter trollswho get on their bad side, meet the guy who calls himself “Calvinist Batman.”D.G. Hart (Calvinist), Putting the “Protest” in Protestant. “Is Calvinism un-American?”
[9 Feb 2018] The American value of self-determination kinda butts heads with the Calvinist doctrine of divine determination.K.W. Leslie, Christ Almighty! “ ‘Efficacious grace’: When God’s grace turns dark.”
[13 Feb 2018] When God’s most important attribute isn’t his love but his might, grace looks… well, a lot less gracious.Roger E. Olson, My Evangelical Arminian Theological Musings. “Why my conversations with Calvinists are rarely productive.”
[9 Feb 2018] When Olson points out Calvinism’s discrepancies, his young Calvinist students regularly adopt Arminianism… whereas the older crowd of Calvinists simply double down on the doublethink.
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See you next week.