In this essay, Watson agues that Western Christianity is on the brink of a theological revival and that Wesleyan theology has a vital role to play. Please click on the link to view David F. Watson, “A Theological Revival.” Here is an excerpt:
Those of us who are Wesleyan Christians have a powerful witness to offer in these pessimistic times. Since the 1990s forms of Reformed (Calvinist) theology have dominated the Protestant landscape in the U.S. I am grateful for the people who have been led to Christ in the Reformed traditions, but I am nevertheless convinced that historic Wesleyan beliefs offer a truer, more beautiful vision of God. I don’t think I will ever get over my objections to the doctrine of individual predestination. It emphasizes God’s sovereignty to such an extent that it compromises God’s love and justice. The Wesleyan concepts of prevenient grace, God’s sanctifying power, and the notion that we should expect to be made perfect in love in this life are so optimistic, so life-giving, so hopeful that we should shout them from the rooftops. But that is not what has happened.We’ve been too quiet about our Wesleyan faith. . . .