Calvinists distinguish themselves from other Christians by calling themselves “Reformed.”* This is due in part to Calvinists envisioning themselves as the living legacy of the Protestant Reformation. They also see “Calvinism” as the true gospel,…

Calvinists distinguish themselves from other Christians by calling themselves “Reformed.”* This is due in part to Calvinists envisioning themselves as the living legacy of the Protestant Reformation. They also see “Calvinism” as the true gospel,…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
Please click on the link to view the Babylon Bee’s report, “Santa Claus Converts To Calvinism, Moves Everybody To Naughty List.”
In 2009, Time magazine called “New Calvinism” one of the “10 ideas changing the world right now.” This resurgence was famously documented in Collin Hansen’s book from 2008, Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New…
Please click on the link to view Jerry Walls, “Review of *Saving Calvinism: Expanding the Reformed Tradition* by Oliver D. Crisp”.
Dr. Roger Olson leads Texas Baptist Intentional Interim Ministry pastors in a conference on the Calvinist movement. This lecture is on the New Calvinism Movement, also known as the Young, Restless, and Reformed Movement. The…
A documentary we were predestined to see, but can we reject it? Or is it too irresistible? The film is simply called Calvinist and it is the passion-project of writer and director Les Lanphere. It comes as a…
[Editor’s note: In a couple spots, editorial additions have been added: a strikethrough was added to a typo, and words the author obviously meant to include have been added in brackets.] For those of you…
BEN: I take it as given that you have established both that there are some strong incompatibilities between Calvinism and Arminianism, but at the same time there are some strong agreements between the two theological…
The “cage stage” refers to new Calvinist converts by or through which the individual becomes rabid with Calvinist dogma to the degree that, unless she or he is “caged,” so to state the matter, the…
Please click on the links to view these two humorous pieces from The Babylon Bee: Animal Control Corrals Cage‐Stage Calvinist After Biting Incident In Lieu Of Sermon, Paul Washer Glares At Congregation For 43 Straight…
Please click on the link to view this humorous piece by a Calvinist: “Stephen Altrogge, “Early Warning Signs of Adult Onset Calvinism.”
On our outreach Facebook discussion page, James Leonard, one of our vice presidents, briefly addressed the questions, “Why I’m an Arminian?” and “Why Calvinism is dominating the evangelical book market?” We thought his answers worth…
I recently received this e-mail message from a total stranger. This is why I wrote Against Calvinism–simply to show that Calvinism is not the only Christian option and to point away from it to alternatives (primarily…
Here are some helpful comments Austin Fischer made in the comment thread of his recent post “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful” at his blog (the post can be found on this…
“They’re not going to embrace your theology unless it makes their hearts sing.”[1] -John Piper One of the more persistent myths regarding art (broadly defined) is that the artist understands what he or she…
I have invited other interested persons to join me in this series. I will post occasional (tentatively about one chapter per week) reviews and others who read the book are welcome to agree, disagree, add…
About a week ago (late November, 2014) I announced a coming series of interactions with Fuller Seminary theologian Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology (Fortress, 2014). I encouraged those who wanted to…
I swear this is the truth: If it weren’t for an avalanche of unfair attacks on and misrepresentations of Arminian theology by Calvinists during the 1990s I would never have set out on my crusade…