BEN: Your discussion of open theism is interesting, and I wonder if since your book was published (2006), you’ve settled the matter in your mind. For my part, I have rejected open theism. I think…

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BEN: Your discussion of open theism is interesting, and I wonder if since your book was published (2006), you’ve settled the matter in your mind. For my part, I have rejected open theism. I think…
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Please click on the link to view Kevin Timpe, “Truth-making and Divine Eternity,” Religious Studies 43 (2007) 299–315. Here is the author’s abstract of the article: According to a widespread tradition in philosophical theology, God is necessarily…
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Please click on the link to view Lydia McGrew, “Before the Mountains Were Brought Forth: A Defense of Divine Timelessness,” The Christendom Review: A Journal of the Philosophia Perennis 6.1 (2014).
Traditionally, Libertarians have guarded the definition of free will very closely. Libertarians don’t allow compatiblists to remove essential aspects from the concept of free will, like say, reducing ability to hypothetical ability. But while we…
An article by Arminian Theologian Jack Cottrell. Cottrell speculates about God’s relation to time, and the nature and extent of God’s foreknowledge. Is God timeless (outside of time)? Or does God experience time in some…
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I. Introduction This post responds to Calvinist scholar and assistant professor at Reformed Theological Seminary James Anderson’s latest rejoinder (“The Arminian Cause”) to me (specifically, to my last post: “Exposing Calvinist ‘Forgery’ in the Alleged…
One of the problems with attempting to discuss the issue of Foreknowledge as it relates to Free Will is that the term itself prejudices the discussion, bending it in a certain argumentative direction that the…
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