Please click on the link to read an excerpt from Dr. Ben Witherington’s introduction to the newly published Classics edition of Richard Watson’s Theological Institutes: “The Great Legacy of Richard Watson’s Theological Institutes”
Systematic Theology
Ben Witherington, “Richard Watson’s Institutes– The Arminian Antidote”
Please click on the link to read Ben Witherington, “Richard Watson’s Institutes– The Arminian Antidote“, from the author’s blog, The Bible & Culture. Richard Watson’s Institutes– The Arminian Antidote
John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism
Please click on the link to view James Alex. Macdonald, Wesley’s Revision of the Shorter Catechism with Notes (Edinburgh: George A. Morton, 1906). The full title is Wesley’s Revision of The Shorter Catechism Agreed Upon by the…
James Arminius’ 20 Reasons for Rejecting Theodore Beza’s Supralapsarian Predestination
1. It is not the foundation of Christianity of salvation, or of its certainty. 2. It comprises within it neither the whole nor any part of the Gospel. 3. It was never admitted, decreed, or…
William Lane Craig, The Atonement
Please click on the link to view William Lane Craig, The Atonement (Elements in the Philosophy of Religion; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) (doi:10.1017/9781108558020). Here is an abstract: The Atonement offers in a concise compass an…
FWS Podcast: The Trinity
In these episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss the doctrine of the Trinity. Alternative Link: The Trinity (Part 1) Alternative Link: The Trinity (Part 2)
FWS Podcast: The Holy Spirit
In these episodes Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss the Holy Spirit. Alternative Link: The Holy Spirit (Part 1) Alternative Link: The Holy Spirit (Part 2)
FWS Podcast: Christology
In these episodes Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss Christology. Alternative Link: Christology (Part 1) Alternative Link: Christology (Part 2) Alternative Link: Christology (Part 3) Alternative Link: Christology (Part 4)
FWS Podcast: The Attributes of God
In these episodes Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss the Attributes of God. If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Part 1 If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Part…
FWS Podcast: Inspiration of Scripture
Inspiration of Scripture Part 1 link Inspiration of Scripture Part 2 link In this episodes Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss the Inspiration of Scripture.
FWS Podcast: Introduction to Systematic Theology
Introduction to Systematic Theology Part 1 (link to Stitcher) Introduction to Systematic Theology Part 2 (link to Stitcher) In these episodes Dr. Vic Reasoner will present his introduction to Systematic Theology.
Introducing the FWS Podcast
If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Introduction Episode Welcome to the FWS Podcast! This podcast is dedicated to the spread of Biblical Wesleyan theology. FWS Podcast is a ministry of the Fundamental…
Adam Harwood, “Review of Biblical Doctrine, John MacArthur’s New Systematic Theology”
[This post was taken from Adam Harwood’s website.] The following is my review of Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth, edited by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2017). 1,023 pages. Hardcover,…
Roger Olson Video Lecture: “Calvinism Part IV: Final Evaluation of Calvinism”
Dr. Roger Olson leads Texas Baptist Intentional Interim Ministry pastors in a conference on the Calvinist movement. This lecture delivers a final evaluation of Calvinism. The video may also be accessed on YouTube here.
Roger Olson Video Lecture: “Calvinism Part II: Tenets of Calvinism”
Dr. Roger Olson leads Texas Baptist Intentional Interim Ministry pastors in a conference on the Calvinist movement. This lecture is on the tenets of Calvinism. The video may also be accessed on YouTube here.
Richard E. Clark, “An Arminian’s Review of *Anyone Can Be Saved*”
From General/Arminian to Particular/Calvinist, Baptists have struggled to locate themselves along the theological spectrum. Some have unsuccessfully tried to avoid the debate, labeling themselves Calminians.[1] Others, however, have attempted to escape the paradigm altogether and articulate…
Vic Reasoner, “An Arminian Covenant Theology”
Too many Arminians have pushed their tray through the theological cafeteria, accepting a helping of whatever sounded good. Before we accept all the popular theology of the celebrity teachers, we had better determine upon what…
J. Matthew Pinson, “Individual Election, Corporate Election, and Arminianism”
There is a flurry of activity at present from quarters in the Arminian theological community on the doctrine of corporate election. The exponents of this view are able and must be reckoned with, both by…
Steve Sewell, “The Incompatibility of Calvinism and Fulfillment Theology”
All Scripture quotes are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. Introduction It’s widely known that many Calvinists hold to Fulfillment Theology (FT). The reason that matters is because, I believe, FT and Corporate…
Video: William Lane Craig, “Evaluating Views of Appropriating God’s Grace and Salvation”
Defenders is Dr. William Lane Craig’s weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics. This video is part 17 of his material on the doctrine of man. His is a link to the video…