[This is a compilation of Kingswood Hart’s key exegetical posts on Romans concerning Romans 9-11. (Several of his posts on the structure of the letter have been left out but can be found at his…

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[This is a compilation of Kingswood Hart’s key exegetical posts on Romans concerning Romans 9-11. (Several of his posts on the structure of the letter have been left out but can be found at his…
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Biblical eLearning (http://biblicalelearning.org) presents: Dr. Craig Keener on Romans This is the tenth of 18 lectures by Dr. Craig Keener of Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, on the book of Romans. The video may also be…
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Please click on the attachment to view Charles Edward White, “John Calvin’s five-point misunderstanding of Romans 9: An Intertextual Analysis,” Wesleyan Theological Journal 41 (Fall 2006) 28-50.
, Vincentian , Comment Closed
Please click on the link to view “Early Church Fathers on the Freedom of the Will and Romans 9.” The early church resoundingly affirmed the liberty of the will, in spite of the well-known philosophical option…
, SEA , 2 Comments
Thomas Schreiner reviewed my book, Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9.10–18: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis for the online theological journal Themelios. His review may be found here. This is the response…
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Written by Brian Abasciano A complaint I sometimes hear about my books on Romans 9 is that they are too expensive. That is quite unfortunate. (The price of those books is determined by my publisher…
This book follows “Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:1-9: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis” as Dr. Abasciano dives deeper into Romans 9 by examining 9:10-18. (link to Amazon) The work is organized,…
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Brian Abasciano’s response to a review of his book on Romans 9:10-18
by Roger E. Olson, PhD
I don’t normally do this at my blog, but friend Brian Abasciano of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a leading evangelical Arminian, has written an important book on Romans 9-11 from an Arminian perspective. An early review appears to misrepresent some ideas of the book and Brian has asked me to post his response here. If you know someone who has read the review in question, please see that they read Brian’s response.
Here is the response:
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