On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Romans 9
Video: Romans 9 – Pharaoh the Vessel of Wrath
SEA members Dan Chapa and Richard Coords discuss the second part of Romans 9, regarding Pharaoh, God as a potter, and vessels of mercy and wrath. The video below can also be accessed on YouTube…
Video: “Election Is Conditional & Corporate: A (Brief) Biblical Case for Arminianism, Part 4”
This video was published on YouTube August 31, 2024: https://youtu.be/MKR9_HdA21k?si=XxnwuxEcFBrKaaTl From the video description: In 1610, the Remonstrants of Holland presented five Articles which came to define “Arminianism”. From Part 3 “Freed to Believe by…
Video: Romans 9 – Jacob and Esau
SEA members Dan, Richard Coords, and Christopher Bastedo discuss election in Romans 9. They discuss the national election found in the Old Testament texts Paul cites in Romans 9 and the way Paul applies them…
Video: Response to Doug Wilson on Romans 9
SEA members Dan Chapa, Brandon Hollen, and Dalton Blackmon review Doug Wilson’s argument against Arminianism based on Romans 9. The video below can also be accessed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/3nFqgbT52Cs.
Video Sermon: Casey Getz, “God’s Plan of Salvation” Romans 9:1-27
The video’s description on Vimeo: Pastor Casey does a wonderful job walking through this portion of scripture. This is more of an in depth study. Get out your number 2 pencils and be blessed. Here…
Richard Coords, “Orwellian”
“Orwellian” is a term based upon a book entitled “1984” written by British author, George Orwell. It refers to the dystopian oppression imagined in a future totalitarian government which suppresses liberty and freedom. So, how…
Wayne A. Brindle, “Prepared by Whom? Reprobation and Non-Calvinist Interpretations of Romans 9:22”
Please click on the link to view Wayne A. Brindle, “Prepared by Whom? Reprobation and Non-Calvinist Interpretations of Romans 9:22.”
Video: Joel Korytko, “Why Romans 9 Doesn’t Teach Calvinism”
This is a follow-up video to Joel Krytko’s previous video presenting verse-by-verse analysis of Romans 9 that has non-Calvinist conclusions. In this video, Joel is interviewed about Romans 9, bringing him to go deeper with…
Video: Joel Korytko, “How Romans 9 Doesn’t Support Calvinism”
From the video’s YouTube page: A verse-by-verse analysis of the use of the Old Testament in Romans 9 which shows what I think Paul is teaching (and how his argument does not support a typical…
Kingswood Hart, Exegesis of Romans 9-11
[This is a compilation of Kingswood Hart’s key exegetical posts on Romans concerning Romans 9-11. (Several of his posts on the structure of the letter have been left out but can be found at his…
Jason A. Staples, “Vessels of Wrath and God’s Pathos: Potter/Clay Imagery in Rom 9:20–23”
Please click on the link to view Jason A. Staples, “Vessels of Wrath and God’s Pathos: Potter/Clay Imagery in Rom 9:20–23,” Harvard Theological Review, Volume 115, Issue 2, April 2022, pp. 197-218. Author’s abstract: Starting…
Brian Abasciano’s New Book on Romans 9:19-24 Is Out, and We Have a Flyer with a 35% Discount
Brian Abasciano’s new book is out — Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:19-24: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis, JSNTSup/LNTS, 429; London: T&T Clark, 2022. It is out this month in electronic format…
David Gooding, “ROMANS 9–11: The Power, the Wisdom and the Glory: A Study of God’s Ways with Israel and the Nations”
Please click on the link below to read David Gooding, “ROMANS 9–11: The Power, the Wisdom and the Glory: A Study of God’s Ways with Israel and the Nations”, available for free download from the…
Video Interview with Dr. Brian Abasciano: “Paul’s Use of the OT in Romans 9”
In this video, Dr. Dr. Brian Abasciano discusses Romans 9, specifically, how Paul used the Old Testament to build his case in Romans 9: 00:00- Introduction 02:36- Background to the book 12:29- Genesis 25:23…
Romans 8 and 9 Debate, Dan Chapa (Arminian) vs Turretinfan (Calvinist) (3 Parts)
Friday Files: Romans 9
One of the more things about the Arminianism/Calvinism debate is how both sides are devoted to the Scriptures and both sides ground their understanding of their theology in the Scriptures. Which means that any proof-text…
William Lane Craig, Defenders Podcast on Salvation, Part #4
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. In the fourth class, he is continuing his discussion on the Arminian doctrine…
Romans 8:28-30 and Its Relevance to Romans 9
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Romans 9:10-13 – “Not Based on Works” – Jacob and Esau
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…