On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…

On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
[This is a compilation of Kingswood Hart’s key exegetical posts on Romans concerning Romans 9-11. (Several of his posts on the structure of the letter have been left out but can be found at his…
An appeal for men to be saved is near to the heart of Wesleyan Methodism. W.B. Fitzgerald summarized Methodism with for “alls”: All need to be saved. All can be saved. All can know they…
BREAKING THE GOLDEN CHAIN I don’t find the infamous (from an Arminian standpoint) “Golden Chain” very threatening. (1) Calvinistic “irresistible” conversion of unsaved individuals is nowhere in view, for three reasons. a) It’s the already-converted…
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Please click the link to view the page: Falling Away or Cut Off? Romans and the Question of Apostasy
Please click on the link to view Craig Keener’s 18 lecture series on Romans.
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Please click on the link to view David Bentley Hart, “Traditio Deformis.”
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series is chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways. My aim…
The following post is a satire, written from the perspective of an overzealous Calvinist. This post is part of a series on the New Calvinist Bible (NCB) – a new bible translation designed to show…
Scripture quotations are from the English Majority Text Version (EMTV) unless noted otherwise. Does God Harden Hearts? (Still addressing verses 17 and 18): 9:17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose…
Please click on the link to view some of Seedbed’s Resources on the Book of Romans. The post gathers together videos from 3 of the world’s leading New Testament scholars who all address different aspects of Romans.
this post is written by Seedbed author, Howard Snyder, PhD In the thick of theological controversies and church conflicts I often think: It’s all about hermeneutics! Battles most often boil down to this question: How…
Another great article from the Seedbed ministry at Asbury Seminary. This article is written by Dr Howard Snyder In the thick of theological controversies and church conflicts I often think: It’s all about hermeneutics! Battles…
Outstanding analysis of Romans from an Arminian perspective (1877). link
Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of Acts and Romans (1875)