Scripture Index

Craig S. Keener, IVP Commentary on Matthew

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Click on the link to view Craig S. Keener, Matthew (IVP New testament Commentary Series; Downer’s Grove: IVP, 1997). Keener is a tremendously distinguished scholar. According to his faculty page, he is presently (Feb 2014) Professor…

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Robert W. Wall, IVP Commentary on Philemon

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[Editor’s note — 7/21/21: This commentary has become unavailable through this link. It could become available again in the future, and so it is worth clicking on.] Please click on the link to view Robert W.…

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Philip H. Towner, IVP Commentary on Titus

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[Editor’s note — 7/21/21: This commentary has become unavailable through this link. It could become available again in the future, and so it is worth clicking on.] Please click on the link to view Philip H.…

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Philip H. Towner, IVP Commentary on 1 Timothy

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[Editor’s note — 7/21/21: This commentary has become unavailable through this link. It could become available again in the future, and so it is worth clicking on.] Please click on the link to view Philip H.…

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Romans 9 in Context (John F. Parkinson)

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Click the link below to see John F. Parkinson’s solid and concise interpretation of Romans 9 from a non-Calvinist perspective. Please note that while Mr. Parkinson seems to approach Romans 11 from a pre-trib dispensational…

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James White on Matthew 23:37


James White recently discussed Matthew 23:37 on Radio Free Geneva in response to Dr. Norman Geisler’s book Chosen but Free. Here’s the passage. Matthew 23:37-39 states: 37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the…

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James White on 2 Peter 3:9

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In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom 1, he objects to Norman Geisler’s use of 2 Peter 3:9 in his book Chosen But Free 2. Here’s the passage. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second…

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James White on Romans 8:28-30

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In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom1, he argues for unconditional election based on Romans 8:28-30.  Here’s the passage:  Romans 8:28-30: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,…

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