James White reviewed a sermon by James McCarthy, author of “John Calvin Goes to Berekely,” and this post will review James White’s review. The title of James White’s YouTube clip is “Radio Free Geneva: Ephesians…

, Richard Coords , Comment Closed
James White reviewed a sermon by James McCarthy, author of “John Calvin Goes to Berekely,” and this post will review James White’s review. The title of James White’s YouTube clip is “Radio Free Geneva: Ephesians…
Because this is all one sentence in the Greek, I wanted to go back and treat it the way it deserves: as one thought.
[It is in the Beloved that] we have redemption through His blood: the excusing of sins according to the abundance of His grace which He teemed into us in all wisdom and understanding having revealed to us the secret of His will, according to His good judgment, which, through Christ, was preplanned for managing the fulfillment of times in order to coalesce all things in Christ throughout the heavens and the earth.
Both last week and this week I made the mistake of trying to handle Pauls whole sentence from 7 to 10. However, the content is just too full, and there are too many things to…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed