Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. In the fifth class, he is argues for the Molinism position over against…

, Martin Glynn , Comment Closed
Molinist William Lane Craig’s theology class has returned to the topic of salvation. He begins with the topic of Calvinism vs Arminianism. In the fifth class, he is argues for the Molinism position over against…
, AndrewH , Comment Closed
“This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.” Acts 2:23 ESV “For truly in this city there were gathered together…
, Godismyjudge , Comment Closed
The Scholastics used to ask “does predestination place anything in the predestined?” A relevant question indeed concerning Acts 4:28. Consider the translation change from the 1984 NIV to the 2012 ISV: “They did what your…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed