It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website, includes summaries and links…
Roy Ingle, “Eternal Security: For Those Whom I Address”
For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.…
Mark K. Olson: Famous Sermons of John Wesley 6: Christian Perfection
It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website, includes summaries and links…
Mark K. Olson, “John Wesley as Spiritual Father, Part Two”
Introduction: in this two-part study we are looking at Wesley’s spiritual counsel to seekers of heart holiness. In Part One we examine Wesley’s understanding of two works of grace, the first wilderness state, attaining perfect…
Roy Ingle, “Set Free From Sin Or To Sin?”
Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.” – John 8:34 When then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under…
Roy Ingle, “Keeps On Keeping”
“Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” – John 8:51 I suppose one of the greatest threats to Christianity comes not from atheists or from other…
Mark K. Olson: Famous Sermons of John Wesley 4: On Working Out Our Own Salvation
It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website, includes summaries and links…
Wayne Jackson, “1 Peter 1:1-2 – Foreknowledge”
When 1 Peter 1:1, 2 is seen in concert with related biblical material, the doctrine of election is removed from the confusing fog of sectarian dogma. Please click on the link to view Wayne Jackson,…
Mark K. Olson, “John Wesley as Spiritual Father, Part One”
[To view the footnotes on this page, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Clicking on the hyperlinked footnotes will take you off site to the notes in the original article location.] This is…
Mark K. Olson, “Clement of Alexandria: An Early Church Wesleyan?”
[To view the footnotes on this page, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Clicking on the hyperlinked footnotes will take you off site to the notes in the original article location.] Introduction When…
Mark K. Olson, “Strange Bedfellows: A Reappraisal of Mildred Wynkoop’s ‘A Theology of Love'”
[To view the footnotes on this page, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Clicking on the hyperlinked footnotes will take you off site to the notes in the original article location.] Introduction Mildred…
Jonathan McLeod, “A Succinct Explanation of Arminianism from 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6”
1. Total Depravity/Inability: Unbelievers are unable to see and respond positively to the truth of the gospel (2 Cor 3:12-15; 4:3-4). A. Jews are veiled from seeing the truth (2 Cor 3:12-15). ”Since we have…
Mark K. Olson, “John Wesley on Sin and Holiness”
Cowman Lectures, 2021. Seoul Theological University. [To view the footnotes on this page, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Clicking on the hyperlinked footnotes will take you off site to the notes in…
Matt O’Reilly, “Why Crazy Love is Almost Wesleyan (but not quite) #FrancisChan”
It’s been more than ten years since I first read Francis Chan’s Crazy Love, and there was much then that I appreciated about it. I’ve been reading it again and still find much to commend,…
Julian E. Pace IV, “Pietist Credentials of John Wesley”
Abstract: This article explores how the Pietist impulse, in both its “churchly” and “radical” forms, profoundly shaped the theology and spirituality of John Wesley. Churchly Pietists such as the Moravians, as well as the radical…
Mark K. Olson, “Suffering and Becoming Holy: Insights from John Wesley’s Pastoral Counsel”
Abstract: The problem of human suffering has conflicted many people. The eighteenth century was no different, for it was rife with suffering and death, with the average life span a short 37 years. John Wesley…
Roy Ingle, “True Conversions”
[This post is from 2008 and refers to some things going on back then. It also contains some potentially controversial comments, and it should be remembered that posts appearing on SEA’s do not necessarily represent…
Ben Henshaw, “Does Arminianism Imply That we Can Boast in Our Salvation Over Those Who do Not Believe?”
Out of all the arguments for Calvinism, this is the one that I probably hear the most. It comes in a variety of forms but usually imagines two people under the influence of prevenient grace,…
Roy Ingle, “Suffering and the Sovereignty of God”
[This article has been edited and adapted for inclusion here. Here is a link to the original post and comments on Roy Ingle’s blog, Arminian Today. The story Roy shared in this post is from a…
Eric Landstrom, “Christian Discipleship and Sin”
Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18). Consider your joy in salvation. Repeatedly well-meaning, well-intentioned disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ justify their poor, worldly,…