Knowing that evil would come to pass, why didn’t God prevent it? Calvinists use that question to infer determinism, meaning that God must have secretly wanted evil, or else otherwise He could have stopped it,…

Video Sermon: Casey Getz, “God’s Plan of Salvation” Romans 9:1-27
The video’s description on Vimeo: Pastor Casey does a wonderful job walking through this portion of scripture. This is more of an in depth study. Get out your number 2 pencils and be blessed. Here…

Richard Coords, “Omniscience”
Divine omniscience is the characteristic of an all-knowing God, and although we believe that God knows everything, we candidly admit that we do not know how God knows anything. The same perplexity also exists concerning…

Richard Coords, “Omnipotence”
Being omnipotent means being all-powerful. But what does it mean for God to be all-powerful, and more specifically, what does it mean for God to govern all-powerfully? Many imagine how they might govern the universe.…

Richard Coords, “Middle Knowledge”
Middle Knowledge is the knowledge of contingencies (i.e. the knowledge of the what-if’s), which exemplifies an extreme sense of divine omniscience. [Editor’s note: This is often how “middle knowledge” is thought of popularly. But more…

Mark K. Olson, “Suffering and Becoming Holy: Insights from John Wesley’s Pastoral Counsel”
Abstract: The problem of human suffering has conflicted many people. The eighteenth century was no different, for it was rife with suffering and death, with the average life span a short 37 years. John Wesley…

Clay Jones, “Is Divine Determinism Biblical?”
Please clcik on the link to view Clay Jones, “Is Divine Determinism Biblical?”

Richard Coords, “Judas”
[This post has been excerpted with permission from Richard Coords, Calvinism Answered Verse by Verse and Subject by Subject, © 2020.] Is Judas proof that God predestines some people to Hell? The Scriptures foretold plenty about…

Roy Ingle, “Suffering and the Sovereignty of God”
[This article has been edited and adapted for inclusion here. Here is a link to the original post and comments on Roy Ingle’s blog, Arminian Today. The story Roy shared in this post is from a…

Robert Picirilli, “Can Arminians Be Molinists? (Part 3)”
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…

Richard Coords, “God’s Will”
Is it true that every time we sin, we thwart God’s Will for our life? Yes, of course. However, we can never thwart God’s overall purpose for creation and mankind. Hence, it is necessary to…

Video interview with Dr. Robert E. Picirilli: Free Will Revisited: A Respectful Response to Luther, Calvin, and Edwards
In this video, Dr. Robert E. Picirilli (author of Free Will Revisited: A Respectful Response to Luther, Calvin, and Edwards and Grace, Faith, Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation Calvinism & Arminianism) and Nicholas Noyola…

C. S. Lewis on How Good Can Come from Suffering
There is a paradox about tribulation in Christianity. Blessed are the poor, but by “judgement” (i.e., social justice) and alms we are to remove poverty wherever possible. Blessed are we when persecuted, but we may…

The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 30, Appendix)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…

The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 29)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…

The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 28)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…

The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 27)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…

The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 26)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…

The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s “Two-Wills” View (Part 25)
[StriderMTB’s lengthy article, “The Folly of Doing Theology in an Echo Chamber: A Thorough Examination of Piper’s ‘Two-Wills’ View,” has been divided into 30 parts and edited for serial publication on this website. Here is…

God’s Sovereignty: Three Common Mistakes
The following is a conversation that recently took place in my daughter’s middle school church group. The conversation does a good job highlighting three mistakes that we often make when we talk about the sovereignty…