Prevenient Grace

Calvin on Faith Preceding Regeneration

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Arminius, in his Dissertation on Romans 7, insists that faith in Christ precedes regeneration: “Besides, even true and living faith in Christ precedes regeneration strictly taken, and consisting of the mortification or death of the…

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Rich Davis, “Carter’s Calvinism — Once More”

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[Editor’s note: Dr. Rich Davis, professor of philosophy at Tyndale University College & Seminary and chair of its philosophy department, wrote “A Demonstration Against Calvinism,” to which his colleague, Professor Craig Carter, replied with a piece “In…

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Rich Davis, “On Carter’s Calvinism”

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[Editor’s note: Dr. Rich Davis, professor of philosophy at Tyndale University College & Seminary and chair of its philosophy department, wrote “A Demonstration Against Calvinism,” to which his colleague, Professor Craig Carter, replied with a piece “In…

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Grace: The Analogy of Sanctification

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We bless thee, O God most high and Lord of mercies, who ever workest great and mysterious deeds for us, glorious, wonderful, and numberless; who providest us with sleep as a rest from our infirmities…

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Assessing John Hendryx on Prevenient Grace

, , Comment Closed hosts articles by various Calvinists, some of which present arguments against Arminianism based on a Calvinistic hermeneutic, and others of which are a pure misrepresentation of Arminian doctrine. Having read “A Short Response to…

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Nathan Finn, “Is Synergism Necessarily Semi-Pelagian?”

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Please click on the link to view Nathan Finn, “Is Synergism Necessarily Semi-Pelagian?”  Finn is a Calvinist who serves as Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Spiritual Formation at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North…

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Fred Sanders, “Salvation and the Mission of God”

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In this 2 part article, Wesleyan-Arminian scholar Dr. Fred Sanders talks about what Scripture says regarding the order of salvation and the atonement (part 1) and evangelism and cooperation in ministry (part 2). Please click on the…

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