Please click on the link to open a PDF copy of David Fry, “God’s Gracious Provision: A Theological Defense of the Wesleyan Concept of Prevenient Grace”, a paper from 2014 Aldersgate Forum, and made available…
Prevenient Grace
Johnathan Arnold, “10 Things You Should Know About Prevenient Grace”
Please click on the link to read Johnathan Arnold, “10 Things You Should Know About Prevenient Grace”: Johnathan Arnold, “10 Things You Should Know About Prevenient Grace”
Dan Sheffield, “Mission, Witness and Prevenient Grace”
Please click on the link to read Dan Sheffield, “Mission, Witness and Prevenient Grace”, available from the author’s blog: Dan Sheffield, “Mission, Witness and Prevenient Grace” Related posts: How Prevenient Grace Shapes Our Missional…
An Arminian Response to John Hendryx on the Meaning and Implications of Spiritual Death Part 3: John Hendryx Concedes That it is a Plain “Fact” that Faith Precedes Regeneration
[You can find part one of this series here, and part two here] John Hendryx continues his response to the “synergist” visitor: Finally, your attempt to overturn the doctrine of total depravity relies entirely too…
An Arminian Response to John Hendryx on the Meaning and Implications of Spiritual Death Part 2: Dead Reckoning
Continuing from Part 1… Hendryx begins his response to the visitor: (John) Dear Brother …You say, “monergists take the ‘dead in sin’ phrase too far” but, I would turn that around to say that you…
An Arminian Response to John Hendryx on the Meaning and Implications of Spiritual Death Part 1: What Does it Mean to be “Dead in Sin?”
Calvinist John Hendryx takes a “synergist” to task in an article entitled Can We Make an Exact Analogy Between Unbelievers’ who are “Dead in Sin” and Believers who are “Dead to Sin”?(Excerpts From Debate in…
What Do Arminians Believe About the Natural Condition of Man and About Grace?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. The following is a…
Friday Files: Prevenient Grace.
It’s the Friday Files, SEA’s regular dig though our archives, ’cause not everybody realizes just what’s in there! SEA members’ names are in blue, and just to remind you—the views expressed in any articles and…
Clive Burrows, “Prevenient Grace: A Wesleyan Perspective on Mission”
Please click on the PDF link below to view Clive Burrows, “Prevenient Grace: A Wesleyan Perspective on Mission“ (1998), from Proceedings of the First European Nazarene Theology Conference, 16–19 April 1998 Büsingen, Germany, “Towards a…
Addressing Ed Dingess’ Critique Of My Prevenient Grace Article
I recently was contacted by a theologian named Ed Dingess who runs the website letting me know that he had wrote a “refutation” of my Maximally Great Argument against Calvinism, and if you’ve been…
Arminian Essentials: Prevenient Grace
Calvinists sometimes argue that prevenient grace is not grounded in scripture. In this video, Dr. Matt O’Reilly explains how prevenient grace is clearly seen in two 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 and Acts 2:37-38. Matt O’Reilly (PhD,…
Common Grace and Prevenient Grace: What’s the Difference?
Many people think “common grace” and “prevenient grace” are two ways of talking about the same idea. In this video, SEA member Matt O’Reilly explains the crucial difference between the two and why the Arminian…
The God Who Seeks
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. . .” (Genesis 3:8, NIV) “I revealed myself…
Abner F. Hernandez, “The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace in the Theology of Jacobus Arminius”
Please click on the link to view Abner F. Hernandez, “The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace in the Theology of Jacobus Arminius” (2017). Dissertations. 1670. Available online in PDF from Digital Commons at Andrews University: From…
Brian Shelton, “The Biblical Case for Prevenient Grace”
The Bible teaches that all people are called to repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:1; Acts 16:30-31), while also acknowledging that we are dead in sin and cannot come to God of our own…
Roger Olson, “My Response to John Piper Regarding ‘The Heart of the Calvinist-Arminian Divide’”
Before reading this you should read and/or watch/listen to John Piper’s June 24, 2019 explanation of his perspective on the “heart of the Calvinist-Arminian Divide.” (You can locate it by using a search engine to…
Brian Abasciano, “A Response to John Piper on the Heart of the Divide Between Arminianism and Calvinism”
On the 6/24/19 episode of the “Ask Pastor John” podcast, John Piper addressed what he considers to be the heart of the divide between Arminianism and Calvinism. In his mind, it has to do with…
Kevin R.K. Davis, “Powerful Grace”
GRACE: GOD WILL GET HIS WAY In my dips in Calvinism, the word “grace” for me became a much more active, powerful force in the Kingdom of God. If it was inevitable, going to do…
Dr. Roger Olson, “For Fellow Arminians and Quasi-Arminians (Non-Calvinists): Prevenient Grace”
I recently had a very interesting discussion with a non-Calvinist Baptist theologian and denominational leader. He interviewed me for his podcast about soteriology. (I believe his “show” is called “Soteriology 101.”) I enjoyed the hour…
Does Prevenient Grace Appear in the Old Testament and How Does the Arminian Concept of God’s Sovereignty Apply to Texts that Refer to God Stirring Up People to War or Bringing Things to Pass through All Sorts of Means?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. The following is a…