[This post first appeared at GospelEncounter.wordpress.com] “Such is the freedom of his will; free only to evil; free to “drink in iniquity like water;” to wander farther and farther from the living God, and do…

[This post first appeared at GospelEncounter.wordpress.com] “Such is the freedom of his will; free only to evil; free to “drink in iniquity like water;” to wander farther and farther from the living God, and do…
From Rev. Richard Watson’s sermon, “God With Us”, preached in August, 1829 (bold mine): “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being,” Acts xviii, 28. […] The question, whether we are left…
Please click on the link to read Kirk R. MacGregor, “Constructing a Bernard-Hubmaier Trinitarian Model of Prevenient Grace”, Pro Ecclesia Volume 29 Issue 1 (2020), 68–88, available online at Sage Journals: Constructing a Bernard-Hubmaier Trinitarian…
The following video has SEA president Brian Abasciano and Provisionist founder Leighton Flowers discuss how Provisionism and Arminianism differ. The video can be found on YouTube at https://youtu.be/g4rMIt34ka4.
Below is an excerpt from Welseyan Rev. Richard Watson’s sermon, “Ezekiels Vision of the Dry Bones”, which was preached October 6, 1813, in Albion Street Chapel, Leeds, at the formation of the Methodist Missionary Society…
“As any practical evangelist will tell you, as they go to this place or that, they will find people that by God’s gracious Holy Spirit, have been worked upon, and their conscience has been aroused.…
In the video, Dr. W. Brian Shelton (author of Prevenient Grace: God’s Provision for Fallen Humanity) and Nicholas Noyola discuss: 03:45- Promoting Wesleyan Theology 05:10- Why Prevenient Grace Has Been Forgotten 07:11- Studying with Calvinist…
Please click on the link to read Brian Shelton, “Prevenient Grace: Two Helpful Distinctions”, available online from Seedbed.com. Dr. Shelton is also the author of Prevenient Grace: God’s Provision for Fallen Humanity (Francis Asbury Press,…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Please follow the links below to listen to Holy Joys Podcast: “Is Wesleyan Prevenient Grace Biblical? (Part 5)“: Apple Podcasts Stitcher From the Holy Joys website: In this final episode of a series on prevenient…
Please follow the links below to listen to Holy Joys Podcast: “Prevenient Grace in Pope, Pelagianism, Revival Theology, and Charles Finney (Part 4)“: Apple Podcasts Stitcher From the Holy Joys website: In this episode, David…
Please follow the links below to listen to Holy Joys Podcast: “Prevenient Grace and William Burt Pope, Part 3: God Alone Initiates Faith“: Apple Podcasts Stitcher From the Holy Joys website: In this episode, David…
Please follow the links below to listen to Holy Joys Podcast: “Prevenient Grace in Pope, Recapitulation (Part 2)“: Apple Podcasts Stitcher Show description: In this episode, Johnathan Arnold and David Fry continue to discuss prevenient…
Please follow the links below to listen to Holy Joys Podcast: “Prevenient Grace and William Burt Pope (Part 1)“: Apple Podcasts Stitcher From the Holy Joys website: This is the first episode in a series…
“This grace as the influence of the Spirit on the minds of men generally and of individual men before their personal acceptance is described in various ways. These may be classed as, first, referring to the…
The grace of God that comes to a person before the new birth to awaken and arrest him to unseen realities and causes him to see his sinfulness and helpless estate is sometimes call prevenient…
Definition The moving of the Holy Spirit upon the heart before the new birth. The importance of understanding the doctrine This doctrine of the holy Scriptures is a very comforting and encouraging truth when properly…
In studying the attributes of God, we conclude that God has natural and moral attributes. Besides being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, He is also holy, good, and just. A just God! God always does what…
To do the work needed on our vehicle, part of the dash had to be removed. Jeff was the technician that did the work. He was quite personable. When I picked up the vehicle, Jeff…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…