In this short article, the great reformer Arminius shows us how his view of grace and free will differ from that of Pelagius. Sadly, many today still attribute Arminius’ theology to Pelagianism (or at least…

In this short article, the great reformer Arminius shows us how his view of grace and free will differ from that of Pelagius. Sadly, many today still attribute Arminius’ theology to Pelagianism (or at least…
Please click on the link to read Chris Bounds, “Four Views of Salvation, Part 3: Other Views on Salvation on the Spectrum,” available online from Holy Joys. Chris Bounds is Dean and Professor of the…
Please click on the link to read Chris Bounds, “Four Views of Salvation, Part 1: Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism,” available online from Holy Joys. Chris Bounds is Dean and Professor of the School of Theology &…
Please follow the links below to listen to Holy Joys Podcast: “Prevenient Grace in Pope, Pelagianism, Revival Theology, and Charles Finney (Part 4)“: Apple Podcasts Stitcher From the Holy Joys website: In this episode, David…
If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or this link: Stitcher This is the seventh episode in a series where Dr. Vic Reasoner takes a journey through Church History. This…
Arminianism is often given a bad reputation but not because those who oppose Arminianism necessarily find fault with the theology itself as much as they find fault with the presentation of so called Arminianism in…
I recently had a very interesting discussion with a non-Calvinist Baptist theologian and denominational leader. He interviewed me for his podcast about soteriology. (I believe his “show” is called “Soteriology 101.”) I enjoyed the hour…
“Free Will is unable to begin or to perfect any true and spiritual good without Grace. That I may not be said, like Pelagius, to practice delusion with regard to the word “Grace,” I mean…
Seth Miller shares how he came to embrace Arminian Theology. The video can also be accessed on YouTube here.
This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…
Please click on the attachment to view Adam Dodds, “Regeneration and Resistible Grace: A Synergistic Proposal”, Evangelical Quarterly Vol. 83 Issue 1 (January 2011: 29-48) (This PDF link is from the author’s biography at his…
The doctrine of Total Depravity is a doctrine that is not only Biblical, but has also been embraced by both Calvinists and Arminians throughout church history. And, likewise, the heresy of Pelagianism is not only…
Calvinism and Classical Arminianism are not opposite theological views (link). In fact, I like to say that they are theological first cousins, both residing under the “Reformed” umbrella. While there are certainly differences, both systems of…
BEN: On p. 55, you talk about Wesley’s treatise on divine sovereignty compared to Calvin’s view. Would you say that while Wesley agrees with Calvin that God is sovereign, absolutely so, and could do what…
Calvinists often accuse Arminians of being Pelagian, or Semi-pelagian at best, when it comes to original sin and the depravity of man. And it’s no wonder, as many Calvinist websites paint quite an inaccurate picture…
A Theological Dirty Word Recently I’ve noticed that, over the past century, Arminians have increasingly used the word “synergist” to describe themselves, rather than seeing it as a negative epithet, as most Christian theologians have.…
BEN: Why was Arminius accused of Pelagianism or semi-Pelagianism if in fact he was clear that prevenient grace comes to a person purely by unmerited divine initiative? KEITH: This controversy is inherent in the Protestant…
Those who deny the doctrine of Total Depravity, and especially its corollary Total Inability, demand we show them from Scripture where an inherent inner inability to freely believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel is…
I believe that a proper understanding of relationship within salvation will clarify some points of disagreement regarding the nature of prevenient grace. Following a protracted discussion on the nature of what God must supply (if anything)…
Introduction When asked the difference between Arminianism and Pelagainism, I always have trouble knowing exactly where to start. It is a bit like being asked about the difference between Republicanism and Monarchy: the simple answer…