Abstract: When John Wesley became an evangelical Christian in 1738, his new understanding of justification by faith alone was directly influenced by Martin Luther, passed down to him through the Moravians. This article explores the…

, SEA , Comment Closed
Abstract: When John Wesley became an evangelical Christian in 1738, his new understanding of justification by faith alone was directly influenced by Martin Luther, passed down to him through the Moravians. This article explores the…
, Jon Gossman , Comment Closed
In order to answer some charges that are leveled against us concerning the disciples and Pentecost, we herein give a brief account of our position, one we believe to be true to the Bible. It…
, g1antfan , Comment Closed
Opening my inbox, I saw an email that caused me to pause. The subject line was Arminian Theology and the author was Robert Picirilli. Expecting anything but an email from the noted theologian of that name, I clicked…
, SEA , Comment Closed
BEN: I was reflecting on what you say on pp. 155-56 about ‘simul justus et peccator’ and it occurred to me what a difference there is between Luther and Wesley on this matter. Luther, famously…
, , Comment Closed
Luther, in 1528, pens his theological beliefs so that, in the future, “either during my life or after my death, there should be those who would undertake to falsify my writings so as to bolster…
, SEA , Comment Closed
While the idea of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone is merely assumed Reformed doctrine, the formal principle of the Reformation was not unconditional election,…
[Please note that that author is a Calvinist theologian, but this is a historical review of the doctrine that does not involve the author in arguing for his view. The web version of this article…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed