It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website, includes summaries and links…

, SEA , Comment Closed
It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website, includes summaries and links…
, Jon Gossman , Comment Closed
“Legal,” “legalist,” and “legalism” are terms that are in nowise new. They have been used in religious circles and religious writings for centuries past, but never more so than today. In fact, so common is…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
Nothing detracts more from the radiance of true Christian holiness than the judgmental spirit of legalism. Legality, the condition of conforming to law, is desirable. “Legalism,” however, is a dependence on keeping law as the means…
, SEA , Comment Closed
Preachers like Anthony T. (Tony) Evans or Charles R. (Chuck) Swindoll may appear to stand for truth and the Christian gospel, but if their teaching on salvation by grace allows a professing Christian to continue…
It is difficult to find a brief layman’s explanation of the “New Perspectives on Paul” (NPP). To rectify the problem I humbly offer “The Idiot’s Guide to the New Perspective on Paul” An analogy: Imagine…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed