The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…

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The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
, SEA , Comment Closed
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
, SEA , Comment Closed
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
, SEA , Comment Closed
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. This series (The X-Calvinist Corner Files) highlights one of…
, SEA , Comment Closed
The X-Calvinist Corner is a page on this website that shares the stories of people who were once Calvinist but have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. Here is the latest addition to the page:…
, SEA , Comment Closed
We have a new page on our website call X-Calvinist corner. It has testimonies of people who have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. Check it out here!
, AndrewH , Comment Closed
Share This: Via Twitter | Via Facebook *All scripture quotations are from NASB, unless otherwise noted. In his song “Context”, Calvinist recording artist Flame says: “exegesis is the careful systematic study of scripture for the…
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I recently received this e-mail message from a total stranger. This is why I wrote Against Calvinism–simply to show that Calvinism is not the only Christian option and to point away from it to alternatives (primarily…
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Here are some helpful comments Austin Fischer made in the comment thread of his recent post “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful” at his blog (the post can be found on this…
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“They’re not going to embrace your theology unless it makes their hearts sing.”[1] -John Piper One of the more persistent myths regarding art (broadly defined) is that the artist understands what he or she…
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Andrew H. shared this testimony about turning from Calvinism and embracing Arminianism at the X Calvinist Corner of the Arminian Perspectives blog (see here for the testimony at its original location): 1) How did you become…
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For many years I was a mild Calvinist. By definition there should be no such thing as a mild Calvinist. One is in or one is out. But it teaches some things that are surely…
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Former Calvinist Keith Coward shares his story: When I was ordained as a minister of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1999, I enthusiastically affirmed my agreement with its Calvinistic/Reformed doctrinal statement, the Westminster…
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I grew up in a Southern Baptist church that was focused on the gospel. The issues of Calvinism and Arminianism never came up. I had never even heard that there was a debate until 1998…
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