Please click on the link to view Perseverance and Apostasy by Albert Nash.
Commentary on the Gospel of John By Fr
Joseph Benson’s Commentaries (1847)
1 Kings to Proverbs Ecclesiastes to Malachi Matthew to Acts Romans to Revelation
The New Covenant
This post is an excerpt from the book review of Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Owen’s Argument 1: P1: The new covenant saves only believers P2: God only intended the elect to…
Assurance – Christ’s Death and Intercession (Part 5/5)
This post is an excerpt from the book review of Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Owen’s Argument P1: the strict connection between Christ’s offering and His intercession gives assurance to those who…
Joseph Agar Beet, Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans
Outstanding analysis of Romans from an Arminian perspective (1877). link
Daniel D. Whedon, “Commentary on the New Testament, Volume 4: 1 Corinthians-2 Timothy”
Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of 1 Corinthians-2 Timothy (1876) (link)
Daniel D. Whedon, “Commentary on the New Testament, Volume 3: Acts-Romans”
Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of Acts and Romans (1875)
Daniel Whitby, Discourses on the 5 Points
Warning: Whitby slighted the doctrine of original sin. But besides that, he had the loudest voice against Calvinism in his day. His classic work from 1735, which provides detailed scriptural explanations of large numbers of…
Is Intercession a Prayer? – Christ’s Death and Intercession (Part 4/5)
This post is an excerpt from the book review of Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Recap of Owen’s Argument P1: Christ’s intercession is not vocal or supplication, but rather a presentation of…
Is the High Priest doing His job? – Christ’s Death and Intercession (Part 3/5)
This post is an excerpt from the book review of Death of Death in the Death of Christ.
Here is Owen’s primary argument:
P1: A High Priest wouldn’t be fulfilling his duties if he offers a sacrifice on someone’s behalf, but didn’t intercede for them
P2: Christ is a faithful High Priest, fulfilling His duties
C1: therefore, Christ does not make an offering for someone without also interceding for them.
Scripture support for P1:
“If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 2:1-2
In support of his argument, he makes another:
P3: Christ offered His blood to God at the entrance of the holy place
P4: Christ entered the holy place by His blood to intercede for the elect
Frédéric Louis Godet’s Commentary on Romans
Frédéric Louis Godet’s commentary on Romans (1883) is a classic example of non-Calvinist detailed exegisis of Romans. (link)
Frederick Calder, *Memoirs of Simon Episcopius*
Records some of the history around the Synod of Dort and the Remonstrants. (link)
Dennis McCallum, Exegesis of Romans 9 and Romans 9-11
Lead pastor of Xenos Fellowship [Update on 2/19/2025: Now Dwell Community Church] Dennis McCallum has presented what many consider a fascinating and very well done exegesis of Romans 9. You can find his material on…
Edward Bird on The Horrible Decree of Unconditional Election
Great example of early Engish Arminianism (1726). Bird explains total depravity, prevenient grace, unlimited atonement, conditional decrees, predestination and perserveriance as he examines some of the problems in Calvinism. He has mild appeals to middle…
Daniel D. Whedon, *Commentary on the New Testament, Volume 5: Titus-Revelation*
Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of Titus through Revelation 1880 (link)
Robert Hamilton, “Does Arminianism Diminish God’s Glory?”
Does Arminianism Diminish God’s Glory? One charge often heard against Arminianism is that by allowing for human agency to play a significant role in the process of salvation, Arminians decrease the scope of God’s agency…
Robert Hamilton, “Thoughts on Imputed Righteousness”
This article discusses some aspects of imputed righteousness. Please click the link to view the full article: Robert Hamilton, “Thoughts on Imputed Righteousnes.”
Robert Hamilton, “Faith and Works”
What is the difference between the two? Are both needed for salvation? Here is an excellent article by Robert Hamilton explaining the issue. Click the attachment for the full article: faithandworks
Robert Hamilton, “God’s Righteousness Revealed”
What does it mean that “the righteousness of God is revealed” in the gospel? Presumably it means that in the gospel of Jesus, we learn something or experience something new of God’s righteousness. But what…