Please click on the attachment to view James Arminius, “ANALYSIS OF THE NINTH CHAPTER OF THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS”.

Please click on the attachment to view James Arminius, “ANALYSIS OF THE NINTH CHAPTER OF THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS”.
This work, published in 1676, was coauthored by one of the most prominent and influential early Arminians after Arminius himself, Simon Episcopious. Its full title is The Confession or Declaration of the Ministers or Pastors…
Albert Barnes (1798-1870), who was a graduate of Princeton Seminary and a long-time Presbyterian pastor (in New Jersey and then Philadelphia), is well known for his Notes: Explanatory and Practical, which covers the entire New…
From the video’s YouTube page: Part six of a series of theological discussions in which Dr. Jerry L. Walls explains what is wrong with Calvinism. In this segment exploring “Calvinism and the Bible” he and…
From the video’s YouTube page: Part five of a series of theological discussions in which Dr. Jerry L. Walls explains what is wrong with Calvinism. In the previous video, he and Paul Sloan explored the…
From the video’s You Tube page: Part four of a series of theological discussions in which Dr. Jerry L. Walls explains what is wrong with Calvinism. In the first three parts of this series, Dr…
This article is posted with permission from the publisher, the scholarly journal Bibliotheca Sacra. Please click on the attachment to view René A. López, “IS FAITH A GIFT FROM GOD OR A HUMAN EXERCISE?” Bibliotheca Sacra 164 (July–September 2007) 259–76.
It should be noted that, while this is a learned and helpful article, López seems to have missed one major view on the question of whether faith is a gift of God, which is a more typical Arminian view than that it is not; and that is that faith is a gift in the sense that God must enable us to believe, but that like most gifts, it can be rejected and is not irresistible.
Please click on the attachment to view Dr. Vic Reasoner, “Does God Have An Eraser?”
Now available here online, John Goodwin’s Redemption Redeemed may be the best defense of Arminianism ever written. Published in 1651 by the Arminian Puritan John Goodwin (1593-1665), it is written in seventeenth century English with…
In this article Mr. Hamilton reexamines this controversial verse to discover whether a person can regain his salvation after losing it. Please click on the attachment to view Robert Hamilton’s “Does Hebrews 6:6 Teach that…
Dr. Glenn Shellrude is Professor of New Testamen at Alliance Theological Seminary (NYC). He read a version of this paper at the Evangelical Theological Society’s 2010 annual meeting, and has provided us with a version…
Please click on the attachment to view Glen Shellrude, “The Freedom of God in Mercy and Judgment: A Libertarian Reading of Romans 9:6-29”, Evangelical Quarterly 81.4 (2009), 306–318. Here is the author’s abstract: Romans 9:6-26…
Please click on the attachment to view Gary S. Shogren, “Presently Entering the Kingdom of Christ: The Background and Purpose of Col 1:12-14”, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 31.2 (1988) 173-180. This article does…
Please click on the attachment to view Skinner, Christopher. “Predestined for Hell?”, which is a cogent, brief exegesis of Romans 9: Skinner. Romans 9
Please click on the attachment to view David A. deSilva, “Hebrews 6:4-8: A Socio-rhetorical Investigation (Part 2)”, Tyndale Bulletin 50.2 (1999) 225-35: Desilva_Hebrews 6 Part 2 This is the second part of a two part article.…
Please click on the attachment to view David A. deSilva, “Hebrews 6:4-8: A Socio-rhetorical Investigation (Part 1)”, Tyndale Bulletin 50.1 (1999) 33-57: deSilva_Hebrews 6 Part 1 This is the first part of a two part article.…
Please click on the attachment to view Jack Cottrell, “PHARAOH AS A PARADIGM FOR ISRAEL IN ROMANS 9:18”.
This article is posted with permission from the publisher, the scholarly journal Bibliotheca Sacra. Please click on the attachment to view Dorian G. Coover Cox, “The Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart in its Literary and Cultural…
Please click on the attachment to view Paul A. Himes, “WHEN A CHRISTIAN SINS: 1 CORINTHIANS 10:13 AND THE POWER OF CONTRARY CHOICE IN RELATION TO THE COMPATIBILIST-LIBERTARIAN DEBATE,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society…
Please click on the attachment to view Joshua Ratliff, “Ephesians 1:3-4: An Explanation of the Corporate and Christocentric Nature of Election” Ratliff. Ephesians 1.3-4. An Explanation of the Corporate and Christcentric Nature of Election