Please click on the attachment to view Jack Cottrell, “PHARAOH AS A PARADIGM FOR ISRAEL IN ROMANS 9:18”.

Please click on the attachment to view Jack Cottrell, “PHARAOH AS A PARADIGM FOR ISRAEL IN ROMANS 9:18”.
Please click on the attachment to view Robert Rakestraw. “John Wesley as a Theologian of Grace,” published in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 27:2 (June 1984): 193-203.
This exposition discusses the earliest, historical beliefs of the Arminian theological tradition regarding the effects of the fall upon man, the nature of the will of man and the mode of grace in salvation. The…
Here’s a little theological humor in the form of a cartoon that can be related to the Calvinist doctrine of irresistible grace.
Mr. Hamilton discusses the necessity of Perseverance. “There are many churches in the United States that, like the imaginary health clinic in the scenario above, are unwittingly administering “sugar-water” immunizations to their members. These churches…
This article originally appeared in the Evangelical Journal 9 (1991) 27-39, and was taken from the website of John Mark Hicks, specifically this page: Please click on the attachment to view John Mark Hicks,…
SEA member Dr. Keith Stanglin and Dr. Thomas McCall have recently published a definitive overview of Arminius’ theology that is accessible to non-specialists: Keith D. Stanglin and Thomas H. McCall, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace…
This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. Philippians 1:29 “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him…
The Awakening of God to Our Sins written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Salvation is of the Lord. We affirm that but let us consider that truth played out in our lives. When I was…
Bruce Oyen, who is not a member of SEA, submitted this poem to our society. He commented, “I wrote the following poem very recently, to underscore the grand simplicity and universal scope of the gospel…
What Arminians Find Offensive About the “Doctrines of Grace” written by SEA member Roy Ingle Very often I read or hear Calvinism referred to as “the doctrines of grace.” I am not sure when or…
John Wesley’s Experimental Religion and Evangelism in a Postmodern Age
written by William Brennan (PhD cand)
That postmodernity is a hazy concept, ill-defined and worse-employed, is by now a sad truism, only worsened by its many variants and broad influence over multiple areas of contemporary life and thought. It must be acknowledged, though, with however much reserve, that there is such a thing as postmodernity which is not only pervasive within the philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics of our day, but which also has deep roots at the popular, cultural level. And though the Church need never capitulate to predominant cultural models, she must ever ask: how will we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this generation? When this question is asked with reference to this present generation, the phenomena of cultural postmodernity—however it is to be more precisely defined—cannot be ignored.
“The Glory Which Is Ours Written by B. P. Burnett ~ “God does not wish to do everything, in order not to take from us our free will and that part of the glory which…
Please click on the attachment to view: John M. Wiley, “Distinguishing Classical Arminianism from Semi-Pelagianism: An Attempt to Liberate Jacobus Arminius from Fallacious Claims and Popular Misconceptions about His Theology.” This is a graduate paper…
A wonderful gospel presentation with Arminian overtones (e.g., “You and I were made to hear his [God’s] verdict [upon us], ‘You are my child who I love, with you I am well pleased’”): The video…
Here is a four part review of Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins, by Arminian scholar and President of Asbury Theological Seminary, Dr. Timothy C. Tennent Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part…
Recently a group of non-Calvinist Southern Baptists wrote and signed “A Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation.” I certainly have no objection to a group of non-Calvinists pushing back…
Please click on the attachment to view Robert A. J. Gagnon, “Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?: Alan Chambers Assures “Gay Christians” That Unrepentant Homosexual Practice Is No Barrier to Salvation … among…
“Prevenient Grace: Why It Matters”
by Roger Olson
This is a follow up to my earlier post regarding the statement of the traditional Southern Baptist view of salvation by certain Southern Baptist non-Calvinist, non-Arminian pastors and theologians. If you have not read that post, go back and read it before reading this one. Here I am picking up where I left off there and taking some comments subsequent to it into account.
Also, here, I am not delving into the debate between Calvinists and Arminians over the nature of prevenient grace as irresistible or resistible. That’s certainly interesting and much discussed in evangelical and Baptist circles, but here I am simply talking about prevenient grace AS IT IS BELIEVED BY BOTH CALVINISTS AND ARMINIANS.