
Early Church Father Jerome on Free Will

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From the Letters of St. Jerome, CXXXIII: It is in vain that you misrepresent me and try to convince the ignorant that I condemn free-will. Let him who condemns it be himself condemned. We have been created endowed…

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Something For Calvinists to Chew On

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I’ve been reading the latter part of the Old Testament and something really interesting occurred to me. God spends so many chapters complaining about all the evil that Israel and Judah have been doing and…

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A. W. Tozer on Prevenient Grace

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Christian theology teaches the doctrine of prevenient grace, which briefly stated means this, that before a man can seek God, God must first have sought the man. Before a sinful man can think a right…

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An Arminian and a Calvinist Share the Gospel Together

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Even though this video does not consider Arminian/Calvinist issues specifically, we include it here because the gospel is fundamental to our identity as evangelicals and to highlight how Arminians and Calvinists have the same basic…

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