by The Remonstrant In contrast with Calvinism, I believe it may be said that Arminianism is a more apt ‘nickname’ for the good news of Jesus Christ. Arminianism not only affirms the indiscriminate nature of…

by The Remonstrant In contrast with Calvinism, I believe it may be said that Arminianism is a more apt ‘nickname’ for the good news of Jesus Christ. Arminianism not only affirms the indiscriminate nature of…
The following incisive comments (slightly edited for posting here) were originally made by one of our members in our private discussion group: How can we preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15) if Christ…
Bruce Oyen, who is not a member of SEA, submitted this poem to our society. He commented, “I wrote the following poem very recently, to underscore the grand simplicity and universal scope of the gospel…
A wonderful gospel presentation with Arminian overtones (e.g., “You and I were made to hear his [God’s] verdict [upon us], ‘You are my child who I love, with you I am well pleased’”): The video…
The Practical Implications of an Unlimited Atonement written by SEA member, Roy Ingle On a more personal level, what are the implications of an unlimited atonement when it comes to ministry? I believe there is…
This is the heart of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therefore of authentic Christianity: the incarnation of God as “one of us.” Take it away and Christianity is little more…
Please click on the link to view Craig Keener, “The Gospel According to John 3:16,” from Enrichment Journal.
Roger E. Olson, “Is God’s Love Limited to the Elect? Rebutting a Calvinist Challenge to the Gospel” from Enrichment Journal:
or: The 5-Pointer’s Impossibility of a Sincere Gospel Offer to All Men
This question is a bit of a problem for Catholics, because their councils come along over a thousand years after the writing of scripture and require you to believe some things not explicitly taught in…
In my Evangelism class at The College at Southeastern, composed of both seminary and college students, the professor had the class form groups of four in order for each group to construct a gospel tract, each group having its own leader (chosen by date of birth). The leader of our group was taking advice from the other members and was very open to suggestions. When he declared that we were nearly finished, except for a few statements which needed to be nuanced, I responded, “Wait, but we have yet to inform the person what to do with this information.” He responded, “Well, I’m against anything like ‘pray this prayer after me.'” I agreed and said, “Is that our only option? We must tell the person to trust in Christ.” He was not fond of that idea.
Hamilton addresses works salvation, faith, and repentance. Click on pdf to view article. Can You Do Anything to Gain God’s Acceptance
Robert Hamilton addresses, how good must you be to be acceptable to God? Click on the attachment to view the PDF file: How Good Must You Be
Some Calvinists wisely warn other Calvinists about making Calvinism into another gospel. In one particular dialogue, the following conversation took place. Unfortunately, the entirety of the dialogue has been lost since the webhost had taken…
by Roger E. Olson I rarely post other people’s writings, but this sermon by Bill Smelvoe (preached in chapel at Regent College, Vancouver) especially expresses my belief about God’s grace. I couldn’t have said it…
Heresies are born out of the mindset that one’s theology and only one’s theology can possibly be the sole orthodox position viable for Christians. When an individual cannot at least acknowledge that he or she could be wrong on some theological points, the cult-mindset has set in. But know this, friends, only God’s Word is completely accurate. Our understanding of his Word can be inaccurate. Russell Henry Stafford writes:
In this post we will defend the premise that only a universal provisional atonement view can maintain the integrity of God in the gospel offer and the universal command to repent. The Bible is clear…
Kenneth D. Keathley, Professor of Theology and Dean of Graduate Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, has completed his latest book, Salvation and Sovereignty: A Molinist Approach, published by B&H…
Someone asked a while back in the comments thread to one of my blog posts what I thought of “Decisional Regeneration”. Since this is a rather new label being thrown around mostly by Calvinists in a seeming attempt to mock a view of salvation conditioned by faith, it is important to address. Rather than write a new post I will just quote my initial response to the question below:
Ah John Piper: Wonderful pastor; fairly ignorant on historical expressions of Christianity. We’ve posted often on his misconceptions of what Arminianism is, but here is a wonderful post directly going over some things that he…