“Whoever Reads John 3:16 Can Know that ‘Whoever’ Is Really There” by Brian Abasciano There is an untenable grammatical argument contending that John 3:16 supports limited atonement that has recently received some attention. James White…

“Whoever Reads John 3:16 Can Know that ‘Whoever’ Is Really There” by Brian Abasciano There is an untenable grammatical argument contending that John 3:16 supports limited atonement that has recently received some attention. James White…
We published an link to an article by William Mounce on the Greek for John 3:16 and the word “Whoever”. Here is a very brief video on the same topic. Please click on the link…
Please click on the link to view William D. Mounce, ‘Does “Whoever” Mean “Whoever”?’
“Arminianism Is Grace-centered Christian Theology” Roger E. Olson The Martin McCullough Lecture First Baptist Church of Murfreesboro, Tennessee September 10, 2017 The first Baptists, led by English Independent, Separatist, Congregationalist pastors John Smyth and Thomas…
Dr David Gooding’s 5-part series on the Gospel–which includes very strong rebuttal of the Calvinist system–has been made available for free download from Myrtlefield House. These lectures were originally presented at the 1995 “Rise Up…
This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: https://jordanapodaca.wordpress.com/ This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…
“What I’ve learned: a church’s dominant soteriology indelibly shapes its culture (the way people think about and do) for mission.” –Dr David Fitch In his “Framework for Missional Christianity” series, influential missiologist Alan Hirsch writes (bold…
BEN: Roger you seem to spend a good deal of effort trying to say that Arminian theology could rightly be called a form of Reformed theology, though one distinct from high Calvinism at various points.…
A recent article stated: “Millennials leaving the church in droves, study finds.” We could say, “oh, that’s just young people these days”, or “it’s a sign of the times!” Or, perhaps we should consider that…
Christians of every stripe agree that Christ’s substitutionary and atoning work on Calvary’s cross is marvelous beyond comprehension. It is an act of unspeakable mercy, condescension, and grace—on the human level, wholly unearned and uninitiated,…
[Editor’s note: What is said in this post about Calvinists applies only to some Calvinists, not all.] Google-search “Are Arminians saved?” and you will discover how so very concerned Calvinists are regarding the possibility of…
This video is of the entire 11:20 am church service at First Baptist Church, Irving, TX on February 14, 2016. It can be viewed here. The sermon begins at the 22:45 mark. Allen begins to deal…
In a sermon from 1981, Dick Lucas, former Rector of St. Helen’s church in London (which normally teaches Calvinism), speaks about God’s passionate appeal for sinners to repent, and explains why Christianity is incompatible with…
From my point of view, this post is one of the most significant on this site, for herein all the complaints from anti-Arminian Calvinists is laid to rest once for all. Calvinists, both historic and…
Is there a hell? The concepts of heaven and hell are as intimately connected as those of good and evil. When we are free to do good, we are also free to do evil; when…
All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. John 20:30-31 30 Many other signs therefore did Jesus in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book:…
All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. There is much debate between Arminians and Calvinists about the meaning of the words “whosoever” and “world” in the NT as it…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “The Extent of the Atonement and Preaching, Evangelism, and Missions”. This lecture was given at the Biblical Studies Symposium on October 1, 2013 at Liberty University.
One of the misconceptions about Calvinism (here meaning belief in T.U.L.I.P. and the eternal decree deciding who will and who will not be saved) is that Calvinists cannot or will not do evangelism. Or, to…
In this 2 part article, Wesleyan-Arminian scholar Dr. Fred Sanders talks about what Scripture says regarding the order of salvation and the atonement (part 1) and evangelism and cooperation in ministry (part 2). Please click on the…