John Owen was well aware of the arguments against limited atonement regarding the preaching of the gospel. Particularly that the gospel, preached to the non-elect (or reprobate), was vain and useless. Opponents make this claim,…

John Owen was well aware of the arguments against limited atonement regarding the preaching of the gospel. Particularly that the gospel, preached to the non-elect (or reprobate), was vain and useless. Opponents make this claim,…
We published an link to an article by William Mounce on the Greek for John 3:16 and the word “Whoever”. Here is a very brief video on the same topic. Please click on the link…
Please click on the link to view William D. Mounce, ‘Does “Whoever” Mean “Whoever”?’
1 Corinthians 4:7, “For who maketh thee to differ from another?” The context shows that the apostle was here endeavoring to repress that ostentation which had arisen among many persons in the Church of Corinth,…
This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…
Below is an excerpt from Harry A Ironside’s booklet, For God So Loved the World That . . . WHOSOEVER! God’s Saving Grace Available to All (works in the public domain): The universality of the offer…
BEN: It seems reasonably clear that Arminius took the Calvinistic view that regeneration precedes conversion. I suppose it depends on what one means by regeneration— the ability to repent? In any case, various later Arminians…
Zacchaeus up in the tree, Paul’s conversion, the Philippian jailer. What do these stories have in common? In every case, it was God who took the first step towards man. As I’ve stated many times,…
BEN: Roger you seem to spend a good deal of effort trying to say that Arminian theology could rightly be called a form of Reformed theology, though one distinct from high Calvinism at various points.…
A recent article stated: “Millennials leaving the church in droves, study finds.” We could say, “oh, that’s just young people these days”, or “it’s a sign of the times!” Or, perhaps we should consider that…
Christians of every stripe agree that Christ’s substitutionary and atoning work on Calvary’s cross is marvelous beyond comprehension. It is an act of unspeakable mercy, condescension, and grace—on the human level, wholly unearned and uninitiated,…
Maverick Victor Witlouw, of Sovereign Grace Messianic Blog, wrote a response to my article, “Why Irresistible Grace Doesn’t Work, and Why Prevenient Grace Does” [Responding to Steve Sewell’s Presentation of Prevenient Grace]. He happened to…
I recently debated Richard Bushey regarding the doctrine of unconditional election (Part 1) (Part 2). The debate was nearly two hours and while I hope you enjoy watching the full debate, I will attempt to…
This video is of the entire 11:20 am church service at First Baptist Church, Irving, TX on February 14, 2016. It can be viewed here. The sermon begins at the 22:45 mark. Allen begins to deal…
In a sermon from 1981, Dick Lucas, former Rector of St. Helen’s church in London (which normally teaches Calvinism), speaks about God’s passionate appeal for sinners to repent, and explains why Christianity is incompatible with…
From my point of view, this post is one of the most significant on this site, for herein all the complaints from anti-Arminian Calvinists is laid to rest once for all. Calvinists, both historic and…
Every single individual alive today, as well as each one in future generations, is graciously invited by God their Creator to join the throng of the redeemed who, writes Jacob Arminius (1559-1609), are incited “to…
All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. John 20:30-31 30 Many other signs therefore did Jesus in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book:…
All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. There is much debate between Arminians and Calvinists about the meaning of the words “whosoever” and “world” in the NT as it…
Please click on the link to view Matt Brown, “Does God Really Have a Wonderful Plan for Your Life?”