[Editor’s note: SEA does not necessarily agree with any comments by the author of this post to the effect that Tim Keller, John Piper, or any particular Calvinists are intentionally misleading or disingenuous in their…
Another Thoughtful Calvinist Turns from Calvinism to Arminianism after Thinking through the Issues More Carefully
Andrew H. shared this testimony about turning from Calvinism and embracing Arminianism at the X Calvinist Corner of the Arminian Perspectives blog (see here for the testimony at its original location): 1) How did you become…
Reproofs/Review of PROOF / Doug Sayers, former Calvinist
PROOF – a review and commentary Published by Zondervan, PROOF, the book was read very clearly by Josh Aaron. Not too fast and with a marked absence of high school drama and distracting preachiness. Well…
Relevant Magazine’s Interview with Roger Olson on Calvinism
Please click on the link to view Relevant Magazine’s Interview with Roger Olson on Calvinism. “Roger E. Olson, author of Against Calvinism and an Arminian, is convinced that Calvinism represents a serious departure from the revealed truths about God…
Episode of Trinity Radio: Braxton Hunter/Paul Cooper Debate Recap
Please click on the link to access the audio, Episode of Trinity Radio: Braxton Hunter/Paul Cooper Debate Recap. In this audio Braxton Hunter and Johnathan Pritchett discuss Braxton’s debate with Calvinist pastor and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary…
“Is Calvinism True?” Debate: Paul Cooper vs. Braxton Hunter
Please click on the link to access the audio, “Is Calvinism True?” Debate: Paul Cooper vs. Braxton Hunter.” From Trinity Seminary’s website: This debate on the question “Is Calvinism True?” was held on June 8th, 2014…
“‘Traditional’ Southern Baptists Counter Calvinism”
Please click on the link to view “‘Traditional’ Southern Baptists counter Calvinism.” Please note, this is a report on the June 6-8, 2014 Whosoever Will Conference at Northwest Baptist Church and we do not necessarily…
A Resignation Sermon to His Calvinist Church from a Pastor Who Turned from Calvinism to Arminianism
We recently highlighted Keith Coward’s testimony of turning from Calvinism to Arminianism after being a Calvinist for 20 years and pastoring Calvinist churches. Here is a link to Keith’s resignation sermon to his Calvinist church: http://www.sandharborpca.org/resources/sermons/?sermon_id=215. It…
Calvinist Pastor Turns from Calvinism to Arminianism after 20 Years as a Calvinist and Intensive Study
Former Calvinist Keith Coward shares his story: When I was ordained as a minister of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1999, I enthusiastically affirmed my agreement with its Calvinistic/Reformed doctrinal statement, the Westminster…
A Short, Partially Annotated List of Arminian Systematic Theologies
by Brian Abasciano Unfortunately, there are not a lot of good options for a contemporary comprehensive Arminian systematic theology text. Arminians tend to focus on exegesis more than systematic theology. So there are a number…
Roger Olson, “Arminianism FAQ 4 (Everything You Always Wanted to Know…)”
FAQ: How does Arminianism explain Romans 9? A: This is without doubt one of the most asked questions by hard core Calvinists, but even many Arminians want to know as they have always only heard the Calvinist…
Notice of a Debate about Calvinism: Austin Fischer and Brian Zahnd vs. Daniel Montgomery and Timothy P. Jones
This debate has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 7:00pm – 8:30pm with Mark Galli moderating at Missio Dei Church: Wrigleyville, Chicago, IL. See here for more information.
Roger Olson, “Do Arminians and Calvinists Worship the Same God?”
[Editor’s note: Dr. Olson’s position that he would not worship God if he were as Calvinist doctrine depicts him is not representative of all Arminians or a question on which SEA itself has a formal…
John Miley, *Systematic Theology*
John Miley, Systematic Theology (2 vols.; New York, Hunt & Eaton; Cincinnati, Cranston & Stowe, 1892, 1894) — Calvinist theologian Wayne Grudem says that this is probably the most scholarly and extensive of Arminian systematic theologies. It takes a…
2014 Whosoever Will Conference and Connect 316 Breakfast
The 2014 Whosoever Will Conference is scheduled to take place this coming weekend, Friday June 6th through Sunday June 8th. Here is the conference’s web page. And here is the basic schedule: Friday, June 6 …
Shane Blackshear Interview of Roger Olson
Shane Blackshear’s interview with Arminian theologian Roger Olson can be found here.
“Author Says Calvinism Can’t Make Sense of the Cross:” Jonathan Merritt/Religion News Service Interview with Austin Fischer about His Book *Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed*
Please click on the link to view the Jonathan Merritt/Religion News Service Interview with Austin Fischer about His Book Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed.
Jonathan Andersen, “Book Review: Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed by Austin Fischer”
Austin Fischer, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed (Cascade Books, 2014). Many young Christians throughout the last decade have been on a similar journey. They have faith in Jesus Christ, a passion to share God’s love with the…
New Site Feature: Daily Scripture Commentary
We are starting up something new on the site. We normally post one new post a day Monday through Friday. But now, on most days, including weekend days, we plan to be put up an…
John Wesley and William Carpenter, *Wesleyana, Or A Complete System of Wesleyan Theology Selected from the Writings of the Rev. John Wesley*
Please click on the link to view John Wesley and William Carpenter, Wesleyana, Or A Complete System of Wesleyan Theology Selected from the Writings of the Rev. John Wesley (Revised, enlarged, and an index added; New…