The “cage stage” refers to new Calvinist converts by or through which the individual becomes rabid with Calvinist dogma to the degree that, unless she or he is “caged,” so to state the matter, the…

The “cage stage” refers to new Calvinist converts by or through which the individual becomes rabid with Calvinist dogma to the degree that, unless she or he is “caged,” so to state the matter, the…
The video may also be found on YouTube at this page. Additionally, there is a written summary with discussion questions at
[This article may also be downloaded as a pdf.] 1. There is an inadequate exegetical basis for Calvinism. Determinism is based on a relatively small number of texts which are read in isolation from their…
In this video, Dr. Brown briefly lays out the basic reasons why he is not a Calvinist. The video may also be found on YouTube here.
A new SEA member, who had been a Calvinist for many years but has recently become an Arminian, said this in one of our discussion groups: As I draw closer to the end of reading…
Arminianism, as with the overall theology of the early Church fathers, will never die. Calvinism experiences ebb and flow in popularity but Arminianism and other non-Calvinistic theological systems remain constant. I argue, though, that Calvinists…
Please click on the links to view these two humorous pieces from The Babylon Bee: Animal Control Corrals Cage‐Stage Calvinist After Biting Incident In Lieu Of Sermon, Paul Washer Glares At Congregation For 43 Straight…
The Church today seems to be caught up with self. Visit your local Christian bookstore and you will find entire sections entitled, “Self Help” filled with books but visit the “Theology” section and you will…
Each weekday, we tweet a reference to an old post and put that reference on our outreach Facebook page. As we systematically review old posts in that way, we take the opportunity to fix any major technical…
Luis Henrique asked the director of the Arminius Instituut of the VU University of Amsterdam, Bert Dicou, to translate portions of the original Act of Remonstrance (1610) that are not normally translated. They have been combined…
I. Howard Marshall (1934-2015), one of the top New Testament scholars of our time, has recently passed away. Here are some tributes to the man and his legacy: Ray Van Neste, “I. Howard Marshall, New…
The Assemblies of God denomination is one of the largest, if not the largest, evangelical Christian denomination that is historically-theologically primarily, if not exclusively, Arminian in theology. I grew up Pentecostal but not “AG.” However,…
A gadfly is a “persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.” (link) The late Anglican priest John R.W. Stott comments that the Church needs gadflies to “sting and harry us into action for change,” even though gadflies…
If not for the early Dutch Reformed Arminians rejecting five tenets of Calvinistic ideology, there would be no TULIP today, as TULIP is merely a reaction to Arminian theology. After the death of Arminius, in…
John D. Wagner has produced an updated and expanded version of “Grace Unlimited”, originally edited by the late Clark H. Pinnock. This updated version is called “Grace For All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation.” This…
Defenders is Dr. William Lane Craig’s weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics. This video is part 17 of his material on the doctrine of man. His is a link to the video…
Jacob Arminius may well be one of the most misunderstood figures in Protestant theology. Despite the widespread influence of Arminius’ theology in many churches and denominations, many of both his supporters and his opponents grossly…
Please click on the link to access Arminian and Baptist: An Interview with Matt Pinson.
Please click on the link to view Michael McGhee Canham, “Potuit Non Peccare or Non Potuit Peccare: Evangelicals, Hermeneutics, and the Impeccability Debate,” The Master’s Seminary Journal 11/1 (Spring 2000) 93-114. Abastract: The debate over whether Christ was…