Robert Hamilton takes a critical look at the King James only view of scripture. Click here to view article PDF: A Linguist Looks at King James
Laurence Womock, The Calvinists Cabinet Unlock’d
Laurence Womock, The Calvinists Cabinet Unlock’d is a major anti-Calvinistic work written by Laurence Womock, a 17th century English Puritan Arminian bishop and theologian, published in 1659. Book length is 634 pages. The full title…
Roger Olson’s AG Interview on Calvinism and Arminianism
Roger E. Olson’s AG HQ interview in Springfield, MO, Friday, 03 December 2010:
My Encounter with a Fine, Young, Calvinist Christian College Student
by Roger E. Olson Last evening I spent about an hour in conversation with a 22 year old ministry student at a Christian liberal arts university. We came together at a mutual friend’s home for…
Roger Olson, “Arminianism is God-Centered Theology”
by Roger E. Olson
Below is a rather lengthy essay I have written. I welcome you to pass it around. It is not copyrighted, but please keep my name and blog address attached to it when you send or post it. [Editor’s Note: The following essay may also be found as a downloadable pdf attachment at the end of this post.]
Paul Copan, “Divine Exasperation”
Please click on the link to view Paul Copan, “Divine Exasperation”, which surveys biblical passages that express God’s exasperation with sinful, human resistance to his grace, revealing “God’s legitimate expectation of spiritual fruitfulness, repentance, or obedience.…
When Calvinism Becomes . . . Another Gospel
Some Calvinists wisely warn other Calvinists about making Calvinism into another gospel. In one particular dialogue, the following conversation took place. Unfortunately, the entirety of the dialogue has been lost since the webhost had taken…
Letter to a Young Calvinist (from a Young Arminian)
The following post can be found on Rachel Held Evans’ site. It has been authored by her, and makes for a good follow-up to Roger Olson’s recent post here, What The Calvinism I Oppose Is…
Roger Olson, What The Calvinism I Oppose Is and Why
by Roger E. Olson Just for the record, I want to explain as clearly as possible why I am opposing a certain kind of Calvinism, and what that Calvinism is that I am opposing. For…
What is Orthodox in One Mind is Heterodox to Most
My recent discussions of heterodoxy vs. orthodoxy and the schisms inherent in any such discussion surfaced a common pattern I have observed among our Calvinist brethren. They seem to exhibit a narrow, almost myopic opinion…
The Biblical Doctrine of Grace for Everybody Else
I have for years found the Calvinist use of the phrase “Doctrines of Grace” to be offensive to the Christian body. Perhaps it is because of the lack of any real set of doctrines derived…
Michael C. Patton, “Evangelicals: We Can And Must Distinguish Between Essentials And Non-essentials Better”
Under our link for joining our society we have written: “If you agree with our statement of faith and our recognition of Calvinists as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and you are committed to…
Roger Olson, “Theological Flaws and Fatal Flaws”
by Roger E. Olson Recently I argued that every theological system has flaws that should be acknowledged so that the entire system is held somewhat lightly and open to revision. One problem is when a…
Why Can’t We All Just Admit Our Theologies are Flawed?
by Roger E. Olson I admit it. I am a fallibilist – with regard to human beings (except when being infallibly inspired by God). My definition of “theology” is human reflection on God’s infallible revelation.…
Philip Pugh, Arminianism v. Hyper-Calvinism: 3 letters to S. Cozens [in answer to tracts by him]
Three letters reviewing the sermons of S. Cozens; published in 1860. (link)
Systematic Theology by Miner Raymond
Systematic Theology published in 1877-1879 by Methodist professor Miner Raymond. Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3
God’s Self-Limitation
by Roger E. Olson Several readers seem to me to ignore an important presupposition of classical Arminian theology and of open theism. (I could probably list some other theologies that also affirm God’s self-limitation, but…
The Long Lost Sola? (satire)
A sister in the LORD spurred these thoughts this afternoon. Our Calvinist friends are quick to tout their embrace of the five SOLAs of the Reformation. I don’t blame them at all, for we Arminians…
Benjamin Field, The Student’s Handbook of Christian Theology
A concise systematic theology by Methodist Benjamin Field written in 1870. (link)
Taken from
One of the most longstanding debates in the history of theology concerns the relationship between predestination and human freedom. On one side of this dispute, the most famous name is John Calvin, and on the other the most noted name is probably John Wesley. Although Wesley was primarily concerned with evangelism and church renewal, the very nature of his work required him to take positions on certain controversial issues. Perhaps the most significant of these involved his disputes with Calvinism; indeed, his work on these issues represents one of his most important contributions to historical theology.