Calvinist leader Justin Taylor has published on his blog a great post that really captures the attitude and approach of the Society of Evangelical Arminians (SEA) regarding Calvinists and Arminians receiving one another as brothers…
Roger Olson, “My Biggest Problem with Calvin/Calvinism”
My Biggest Problem with Calvin/CalvinismRoger E. Olson Professor of Theology George W. Truett Theological Seminary Baylor University Above all I want to make clear that I admire and respect my Calvinist friends and colleagues. We…
D. Fiske Harris, Calvinism: Contrary to God’s Word and Man’s Moral Nature
This is actually a book published in 1890 and amounting to 223 pages in the attached file. Please click on the attachment to view D. Fiske Harris, Calvinism: Contrary to God’s Word and Man’s Moral…
Calvinism’s Bold Accusation: Making A Calvinist
This post is written by SEA member, Rev Christopher Chapman A humble and hungry disciple is a wonderful thing in God’s kingdom. They are humble not because they have no pride, but because they hate…
Calvinism’s Missing Contexts- Part 1
This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. Philippians 1:29 “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him…
Calvinism’s Missing Contexts-Part 2
This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. As we search the scriptures honestly and diligently to find answers to our questions about various issues about living in God’s kingdom…
Calvinism’s Missing Contexts- Part 3
This blog post is written by pastor Christopher Chapman, a member of SEA. Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion…
Benjamin Field, “The Student’s Handbook of Christian Theology”
Please click on the attachment to view Benjamin Field, The Student’s Handbook of Christian Theology. Field. The Student’s Handbook of Christian Theology
Adam Clarke on God’s Rejection of the Jews (Romans 9-11)
Adam Clarke on God’s Rejection of the Jews (Romans 9-11) written by SEA member, Roy Ingle I was listening to a Calvinist Bible teacher teach on Romans 9:20 and saying that Romans 9-11 teaches God’s…
Sermons by Arminian Pastor Bob Lovejoy Online
The audio of expositional verse by verse sermons by Arminian pastor Bob Lovejoy of Faith Community Church in Hampton, NH are now being put online. A new one goes up about every 2 weeks. A…
Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptist Perspectives on Soteriology
For issue 8.1 (Spring 2011) of the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry, on the topic of Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptist Perspectives on Soteriology, see . For information on the issue, see below from…
95 Theses
In light of the anniversary of Luther’s posting of his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany (October 31, 1517), Rebekah Reinagel, one of our members, offers 95 theses regarding…
A Challenge from Roger Olson for Calvinists
As I read Mark Talbot’s chapter on God and suffering in Suffering and the Sovereignty of God (edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor) a thought occurred to me: Since most Calvinists are harshly critical…
Another Theologically Based Hit Song? “I Think My Daughter’s an Arminian”
Here is clever response to the song, “I Think My Wife’s a Calvinist.” HT: Ben Witherington
I. Howard Marshall, *A Guide to Christian Beliefs*
This work is not focused solely on soteriology, but it is a general reference work on New Tesament theology by a world class scholar whose theology is by and large Arminian. Please click on the…
An Outline of the FACTS of Arminianism vs. The TULIP of Calvinism
An Outline of the FACTS of Arminianism vs. the TULIP of Calvinism by Brian Abasciano and Martin Glynn (To view this outline in a chart that sets the two positions side by side rather than…
Survey: Are You an Arminian and Don’t Even Know It?
Over the centuries, Calvinists have so successfully vilified Arminianism that people who are Arminian are afraid to say so. This is true even though Arminianism is the default theological position of Christian Protestantism; indeed, many…
Karl Barth the Arminian?
Karl Barth the Arminian? this post was written by Roger E Olson, PhD Okay, that would be a stretch! I’m not claiming that Barth was an Arminian in any classical or historical sense of Arminianism.…
A New Show? Reformed Eye for the Arminian Guy
A funny post by Calvinist Tim Challies suggesting a new TV show for the Learning Channel, Reformed Eye for the Arminian Guy.
A New Arminian Book on the Doctrine of Salvation: Brenda Colijn, Images of Salvation in the NT
Professor of biblical interpretation and theology at Ashland Theolgical Seminary, Brenda B. Colijn, has recently published Images of Salvation in the New Testament (Downer’s Grove: IVP Academic, 2010), and received some solid endorsements for her…