
Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptist Perspectives on Soteriology

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For issue 8.1 (Spring 2011) of the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry, on the topic of Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptist Perspectives on Soteriology, see . For information on the issue, see below from…

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95 Theses

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In light of the anniversary of Luther’s posting of his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany (October 31, 1517), Rebekah Reinagel, one of our members, offers 95 theses regarding…

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A Challenge from Roger Olson for Calvinists

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As I read Mark Talbot’s chapter on God and suffering in Suffering and the Sovereignty of God (edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor) a thought occurred to me: Since most Calvinists are harshly critical…

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Karl Barth the Arminian?

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Karl Barth the Arminian? this post was written by Roger E Olson, PhD Okay, that would be a stretch! I’m not claiming that Barth was an Arminian in any classical or historical sense of Arminianism.…

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A Good, New, Non-Arminian, Arminian Book!

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A Good, New, Non-Arminian, Arminian Book! by Roger Olson If the header confuses you, the book’s lack of admission that it is promoting Arminianism should confuse you more. (As it does me.) So what’s the…

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4 Ways to Fight Clean Over Doctrine by Dustin Neeley

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We at SEA truly appreciated the sentiment of this article by Dustin Neely: We hope everyone could agree that in this debate we are all Christians and we need to treat each other as…

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11 Questions on Calvinism and the Calvinist’s Worldview

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This material has been taken from the Answers in Action website (from this page: Please note that the introductory paragaraph referring to the apologetic nature of the ministry refers to the ministry of Answers in Action, not SEA.

11 Questions on Calvinism & the Calvinist’s Worldview

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William Brennan, “John Wesley’s Experimental Religion and Evangelism in a Postmodern Age”

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John Wesley’s Experimental Religion and Evangelism in a Postmodern Age

written by William Brennan (PhD cand)


That postmodernity is a hazy concept, ill-defined and worse-employed, is by now a sad truism, only worsened by its many variants and broad influence over multiple areas of contemporary life and thought. It must be acknowledged, though, with however much reserve, that there is such a thing as postmodernity which is not only pervasive within the philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics of our day, but which also has deep roots at the popular, cultural level. And though the Church need never capitulate to predominant cultural models, she must ever ask: how will we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this generation? When this question is asked with reference to this present generation, the phenomena of cultural postmodernity—however it is to be more precisely defined—cannot be ignored.

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