
Michael Brown/James White Debate CD

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Arminian scholar and SEA member Dr. Michael Brown debated with Calvinist scholar and apologist James White on predestination, election, and the will of God at Southern Evangelical Seminary on February 14, 2013. To order the…

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Jerry L. Walls, “What’s Wrong With Calvinism, Part 3: Why it Matters”

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From the video’s YouTube page:

Part three of a series of theological discussions in which Dr. Jerry L. Walls explains what is wrong with Calvinism. Having explained Calvinism clearly in part one of this series, and pointed out the deepest issues and fatal flaws that separate Calvinism from Arminianism/Wesleyanism in part two, Dr. Walls now explains WHY these issues matter, and how they actually affect the way we live faith centered lives.

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Is God Good?

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This video addresses the problem of evil in a clear, helpful, and succinct way. (See below for a caution.) It can also be viewed on YouTube here. At one point, this piece refers to the…

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Are We Saved by Grace?

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Author and scholar H. Ray Dunning answers an elementary yet profound question affecting all people seeking God’s forgiveness and grace in their lives: Are we saved by grace? The Apostle Paul repeatedly stresses the centrality…

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John Goodwin, “Redemption Redeemed”


Now available here online, John Goodwin’s Redemption Redeemed may be the best defense of Arminianism ever written. Published in 1651 by the Arminian Puritan John Goodwin (1593-1665), it is written in seventeenth century English with…

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