Free Will

Paul Copan, “Divine Exasperation”

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Part of proper hermeneutics is not simply seeing what any individual passage means, but also looking for themes and styles of expression throughout the Bible and understanding what they mean for our relationship with God.…

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Arminianism Vs. Decisionism

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Calvinism and Classical Arminianism are not opposite theological views (link). In fact, I like to say that they are theological first cousins, both residing under the “Reformed” umbrella. While there are certainly differences, both systems of…

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John Wesley On Regeneration

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  John Wesley was someone who focused on the practical matters of living out the Christian life. But he did not ignore the essential doctrines of the faith. In sermon #45, entitled “The New Birth”,…

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Can One Be Both a Calvinist and a Molinist?

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Can one be both a Calvinist and a Molinist? Many Reformed Christians have deemed this an impossibility, while some prominent Reformed philosophers like Alvin Plantinga and Del Ratzsch profess to be simultaneously Calvinists and Molinists.…

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Rich Davis, “Clary’s 10 Concerns”

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In my “The ‘C’ in Calvinism?” (reproduced here), I set out three difficulties for Calvinistic choice. In his “Calvinism and Choice,” historical theologian Ian Clary lists ten points at which my thinking is in need…

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Can God Love All People?

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Calvinist John Piper answers the question he himself frames and thus poses: “Why can’t God eternally love those who don’t believe in Him?” (link) Is there not at least one obvious and inherent flaw in…

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