this post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle I was reading from the Works of Arminius and noticed a short note he wrote on why we sin. Arminius wrote, “The efficient cause of actual…
Free Will
If God Determined Everything, How Would He Be Worthy Of Worship?
When I think about the God as represented by the T.U.L.I.P., I sometimes have to stop myself or else I might get an ulcer. I find God as represented in the T.U.L.I.P as detestable. The…
Calvinism Makes Perfect Sense?
Roger Olson, “My Response to Two Books about Arminius”
Response to W. Stephen Gunter, Arminius and His Declaration of Sentiments and Keith D. Stanglin and Thomas H. McCall, Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace Roger E. Olson These two books are significant contributions to what I call the…
A. W. Tozer on Prevenient Grace
Christian theology teaches the doctrine of prevenient grace, which briefly stated means this, that before a man can seek God, God must first have sought the man. Before a sinful man can think a right…
J. W. Wartick, “A Denial of Theological Determinism”
Click on the link to view J. W. Wartick, “A Denial of Theological Determinism”.
Against Theological Determinism / Compatibilism
[Taken from Please note: The edition of Philosophia Christi referred to is no longer the latest edition. We would also qualify the author’s definition of a “theological determinist” from being merely that God’s sovereignty extends meticulously…
The FACTS of Salvation
F: Freed to Believe by God’s Grace
Freed to Believe by God’s Grace (the F in FACTS) [Cf. Articles 3-4 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] As we have noted, because human beings are fallen and sinful, they are not able to…
Calvinism’s Problems with Total Depravity
This post will be an attempt to add some detail to earlier comments about problems reconciling Calvinism and total depravity using John Hendryx’s post as an example (here). To my knowledge, it’s a new argument…
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace By Brian Abasciano (For a pdf file of the present article, see here.) The distinctive tenets of Arminian theology may…
2 Samuel 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 21:1 – A Conversation with an Inquirer
We received a question through our public website about 2 Sam 24:1 and 1 Chron 21:1 and the inciting of David to take the sinful census. Here is the exchange between one of our members…
Roger Olson, “A Dip into the Depths of the Doctrine of God: Discussion of the Non-Competitive View of Divine and Human Agencies”
[Taken from here, where comments can be made.] Recently I posted here an imaginary conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian—about God’s sovereignty. At one point I inserted a common comment made by especially intellectually…
Middle Knowledge and Arminianism Are Compatible: A Response to Roger Olson
This post was written by SEA member Adam Omelianchuk specifically for SEA What exactly is the problem that Roger Olson has with Molinism? Answer: it collapses into determinism. But it isn’t clear what he means…
Why Some Arminians Believe Molinism Is Incoherent
[This post was taken from here, where comments can be made, and was originally a comment on this Roger Olson post.] Very nice essay, Roger. You’ve put your finger on a key internal tension within…
Roger Olson, “Are Arminian Theology and Middle Knowledge Compatible?”
[This post was taken from here, where comments can be made.] One of the most basic impulses of Arminianism is that God is not the author of sin and evil—even indirectly. On this virtually everyone knowledgeable…
Arminius on Middle Knowledge
The purpose of the post is to so demonstrate that Arminius taught that God had middle knowledge. Recently several authors, who are otherwise adherents to Arminian theology, have made claims that Arminius did not in…
The Arminian Theology of C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis is one of the most widely read Christian writers of the last 100 years. Although he doesn’t seem to have ever directly referenced Arminius or Wesley in his writings, his theology is nonetheless…
John Mark Hicks, “Classic Arminianism and Open Theism: A Substantial Difference in Their Theologies of Providence”
A version of this article has appeared in Trinity Journal 33 (2012) 3-18. Please click on the link to view John Mark Hicks, “Classic Arminianism and Open Theism: A Substantial Difference in Their Theologies of Providence”.
4 Questions 4 Calvinists
1. If Calvinism were true, what is the point of the Final Judgment for the unbeliever? It would be like me walking into a courtroom and the judge telling me that I get a life…
The Problem of Natural Evil
The Problem of Natural Evil
Though not a member of SEA, Ryan Ragozine the author of this post, presents some good thoughts: