Dr. Jerry Walls speaks about John Piper’s recent book, Does God Desire All to Be Saved?. From the video’s YouTube page: Dr. Jerry Walls gives his critique of Calvinism, and more specifically, John Piper’s written…
Free Will
A Layman’s View of the Debate over Free Will between Calvinists and Evangelical Non-Calvinists
The following comment (now with a little editing) was left in the comment thread of Braxton Hunter’s reply defending his article in favor of the free will of man against the criticisms of Tom Hicks:…
Braxton Hunter, “Answering Tom Hicks on the Free Will of Man”
Please click on the link to view Braxton Hunter, “Answering Tom Hicks on the Free Will of Man”.
Ronnie Rogers, “Calvinism Diminishes God”
Please click on the link to view to view Ronnie Rogers, “Calvinism Diminishes God”.
Ronnie Rogers, “Is Libertarian Free Will Eternal?”
Please click on the link to view Ronnie Rogers, “Is Libertarian Free Will Eternal?“
St. Justin on Pre-determinism
[This post was taken from http://gloria-deo.blogspot.com/2014/03/st-justin-on-pre-determinism.html ] For me, one great attraction of the theology of the Wesleys (and indeed other Anglicans like C.S. Lewis) is their strong assertion that we humans really are responsible agents,…
Are The Sovereignty of God and Free Will Incompatible?
“If God is all sovereign then free will is impossible. If people have free will then God is not sovereign” is what one Calvinist said to me once. I’ve heard this complaint a few times…
Roger Olson, “Arminianism and Providence”
One of the questions I’m asked most often is about God’s providence in Arminian theology. Most people know that Arminians do not believe that God micromanages history or human lives–especially not in terms of evil.…
Practicing Freedom: A Lenten Reflection
this post was written by SEA member, Rev Matt O’Reilly Everyone needs to be set free. The idea that we come into the world with a will entirely at liberty to choose one path or…
Early Church Father Jerome on Free Will
From the Letters of St. Jerome, CXXXIII: It is in vain that you misrepresent me and try to convince the ignorant that I condemn free-will. Let him who condemns it be himself condemned. We have been created endowed…
Playing With Dolls (Reposted)
In honor of Valentine’s Day, here is an old article about God’s love for us. A question that I was recently considering was whether or not God could truly love us if we did not…
Do Arminians Believe In A Works Based Doctrine?
Calvinists often accuse Arminians of not believing that we are saved by grace because we believe man has the ability to choose between serving Him and serving one’s own sinful desires. Although it’s true that…
Roger Olson, “Does God Foreordain and Render Certain Sins? (And Why Some Questions Annoy Me)”
Does God Foreordain and Render Certain Sins? (And Why Some Questions Annoy Me) Not infrequently some Calvinist confronts me with a question that, in the way it is asked, implies two things: 1) I must…
Calvinism on the Horns: The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge in Calvinism and Why You Should Be an Arminian
Calvinists often lead the charge against Open Theism and traditional Arminians agree that Open Theism is Biblically problematic. However, Calvinists often seem to hide the unfortunate implications of their own view of foreknowledge. Open Calvinism?…
Additional Notes on the FACTS Write-Up: 7 Point Arminianism
by Brian Abasciano I just wanted to share some additional notes about my article, “The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace,” recently published here at the website of the Society of Evangelical Arminians. (For…
Something For Calvinists to Chew On
I’ve been reading the latter part of the Old Testament and something really interesting occurred to me. God spends so many chapters complaining about all the evil that Israel and Judah have been doing and…
The Incompatibility Of Compatiblism
Compatiblist freedom isn’t freedom at all. The compatiblist will say “You’re free because you do whatever you want to do” but the fact is, you can’t control your wants. Your desires have been programmed into…
A Telling and Ironic Tweet by John Piper on “Waking up in the Morning” as a Believer
Calvinist John Piper recently gave the following Tweet: I fall asleep quietly confident that I will be a believer in the morning not because of my free will but God’s free grace. This is an obvious…
Romans 9 in Context (John F. Parkinson)
Click the link below to see John F. Parkinson’s solid and concise interpretation of Romans 9 from a non-Calvinist perspective. Please note that while Mr. Parkinson seems to approach Romans 11 from a pre-trib dispensational…
Why I Am An Arminian
Part IV: Theology
I do not know whether or not you have noticed, but as I’ve been going, I am moving from my least relevant reasons to my most relevant reasons as to why I am an Arminian…