Please click on the link to view Matthew Steven Bracey, “Examining the Language of Foreknowledge in the New Testament.”

Please click on the link to view Matthew Steven Bracey, “Examining the Language of Foreknowledge in the New Testament.”
It is estimated that John Wesley traveled around 250,000 miles and preached over 40,000 sermons in a span of 66 years. This series by Mark K. Olson, taken from his website, includes summaries and links…
Prophecy involves divine omniscience. It’s supernatural because it’s the ability of God to know beforehand what free creatures are going to do. If prophecy was instead only a matter of God knowing what He unilaterally…
When 1 Peter 1:1, 2 is seen in concert with related biblical material, the doctrine of election is removed from the confusing fog of sectarian dogma. Please click on the link to view Wayne Jackson,…
SEA members Chris Bastedo, Richard Ellis, and Dan Chapa review the recent debate on “Does God know the future exhaustively and perfectly?” between Calvinist James White and Open Theist Tim Barber. We bring an Arminian…
The following article first appeared in the Doctrinal section of the 1926 edition of “The Preacher’s Magazine,” published by Nazarene Publishing House and edited by J.B. Chapman, former General Superintendent of the Church of the…
Predestination is a biblical term, referring to anything that God, in advance, has purposed and planned to bring about. Here are some examples found in the Bible: Luke 22:22: “‘For indeed, the Son of Man…
The nature of divine sovereignty and human freedom has been often debated by both Arminian and Calvinist theologians for centuries. From the birth of the early Church, human freedom and divine sovereignty have often been…
SEA members Dan Chapa and Martin Glynn respond to William Lane Craig’s comments on the Arminian view of Providence. The video can also be viewed on YouTube through this link.
Divine omniscience is the characteristic of an all-knowing God, and although we believe that God knows everything, we candidly admit that we do not know how God knows anything. The same perplexity also exists concerning…
From the video’s YouTube page: God’s sovereignty is rooted in His righteous character and exercised through mercy and compassion.
Middle Knowledge is the knowledge of contingencies (i.e. the knowledge of the what-if’s), which exemplifies an extreme sense of divine omniscience. [Editor’s note: This is often how “middle knowledge” is thought of popularly. But more…
Another passage Piper makes use of to demonstrate that God decrees sin is Acts 4:27, 28. He quotes Edwards to make his point. The death of Jesus offers another example of how God’s sovereign will…
You can find Patton’s original post here I was referred to this recent post by C. Michel Patton and thought I would respond to it. My comments can be found in-between sections of his post below:…
[This post has been excerpted with permission from Richard Coords, Calvinism Answered Verse by Verse and Subject by Subject, © 2020.] Is Judas proof that God predestines some people to Hell? The Scriptures foretold plenty about…
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…
Brian Abasciano’s new book is out — Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:19-24: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis, JSNTSup/LNTS, 429; London: T&T Clark, 2022. It is out this month in electronic format…
Foreknowledge is prescience, meaning knowing ahead of time. For instance, God said of Pharaoh: “‘But I know that the king of Egypt will not permit you to go, except under compulsion. So I will stretch…
According to Calvinism, God decreed whatsoever comes to pass. Such belief in exhaustive determinism has then led to the longstanding objections made against Calvinism in that God’s emotions would no longer make any sense if…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…