Calvinists make a big deal out of the need for regeneration before one can believe. For them this is the primary function of regeneration. Regeneration irresistibly causes a faith response, and without this regeneration, faith…
Daniel LaLond Jr., “Eternal Security: On Falling Away”
Christians find much comfort from these words of Christ: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish…” Many…
2 Peter 1:1 – A Conversation among Members of the Society of Evangelical Arminians
Here at SEA we have members only discussion page. Let me share with you a recent discussion: One of our members asked, “‘I’m curious how most Arminians understand 2 Peter 1:1, which speaks of persons…
Daniel LaLond Jr., “Evans, Lutzer, Swindoll: An Evang-elastic Gospel”
Preachers like Anthony T. (Tony) Evans or Charles R. (Chuck) Swindoll may appear to stand for truth and the Christian gospel, but if their teaching on salvation by grace allows a professing Christian to continue…
Brian J. Abasciano, “Does Regeneration Precede Faith? The Use of 1 John 5:1 as a Proof Text”
Please click on the link to view Brian J. Abasciano, “Does Regeneration Precede Faith? The Use of 1 John 5:1 as a Proof Text,” Evangelical Quarterly 84.4 (2012), 307-322. Here is the author’s abstract of…
Resisting God’s calling—Exodus 4:1-17
By Dr. Craig Keener
When God calls Moses to confront Pharaoh, God not only promises to be with Moses; he also gives Moses a sign to confirm that God is with him. Unfortunately, this first-offered sign will be obvious…
Early Anabaptist theologian Balthasar Hubmaier on Prevenient Grace
Earlier this year I began researching early Anabaptist theologian Balthasar Hubmaier (1480 – 1528). Here is a portion of his treatise Freedom of the Will, II where he clearly affirms what would later be called…
Adam Dodds, “Regeneration and Resistible Grace: A Synergistic Proposal”
Please click on the attachment to view Adam Dodds, “Regeneration and Resistible Grace: A Synergistic Proposal”, Evangelical Quarterly Vol. 83 Issue 1 (January 2011: 29-48) (This PDF link is from the author’s biography at his…
Calvinist Sleight of Hand: A Brief Arminian Interaction With Wayne Grudem’s Arguments Against the Compatibility of Foreknowledge And Conditional Election
A while back someone on the SEA discussion board referenced the following comments by Calvinist Theologian Wayne Grudem arguing against the compatibility of foreknowledge and conditional election. Below is my brief interaction with this quoted…
Great Quotes: Merrill C. Tenney on John 1:12-13 And Faith Preceding Regeneration
This provides the initial definition of ‘believe’ by equating it with ‘receive.’ When we accept a gift, whether tangible or intangible, we thereby demonstrate our confidence in its reality and trustworthiness. We make it part…
Does Paul Support Calvinism’s View of Irresistible Grace in 1 Cor. 4:7?
The following is a comment I made in response to a Calvinist appealing to 1 Cor. 4:7 to show that unless faith is an irresistible gift from God, it would give us reason to boast. Links to…
Andrew Hnatiuk, “On Assurance of Salvation and Calvin’s ‘Evanescent Grace’”
Calvinist blogger C Michael Patton from Credo House writes (Link): It may surprise you to know that just about every contact I have had with people who are doubting their salvation are Calvinistic in their…
Brian Abasciano, “Addressing the Calvinist Challenge, ‘Why Did You Believe and Your Neighbor Did Not?'”
For many Calvinists, the best argument for Calvinism and against Arminianism may be implicitly conveyed by questions like, “What is the difference between the one who believes in Christ and the one who rejects Christ?…
Romans 11:17-24 – Can Unbelieving Ethnic Israelites Still Be Saved? Can a Believer Stop Believing?
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Romans 10:4-13 – Who is salvation for? Is it possible?
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Ben Witherington and Roger Olson, “Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology – Part 15”
BEN: Your discussion of open theism is interesting, and I wonder if since your book was published (2006), you’ve settled the matter in your mind. For my part, I have rejected open theism. I think…
7 Quotes About “Free Will” That Arminians Agree With (this may surprise you!)
The doctrine of Total Depravity is a doctrine that is not only Biblical, but has also been embraced by both Calvinists and Arminians throughout church history. And, likewise, the heresy of Pelagianism is not only…
Daniel LaLond Jr., “Chuck Swindoll: Rewriting the Reformation”
In his magnum opus, The Grace Awakening, Charles R. (Chuck) Swindoll presents himself as taking up “the torch of freedom” as brandished by protestant Reformers such as Martin Luther. In this he leads his readers…
Ben Witherington and Roger Olson, “Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology – Part 14”
BEN: It seems reasonably clear that Arminius took the Calvinistic view that regeneration precedes conversion. I suppose it depends on what one means by regeneration— the ability to repent? In any case, various later Arminians…
Ben Witherington and Roger Olson, “Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology – Part 13”
BEN: Jonathan Edwards in his Freedom of the Will argues that there is no compulsion or coercion involved, only predetermination when it comes to human choosing. People choose according to their desires and will and…