From the video’s YouTube page, which may be accessed here: Unbelievable? with Justin Brierley, August 1, 2009. Calvinist, James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries debates ex-Calvinist Arminians, Roger and Faith Forster of ICHTHUS Christian…
Brian Abasciano, “Addressing the Calvinist Challenge, ‘Why Did You Believe and Your Neighbor Did Not?'”
For many Calvinists, the best argument for Calvinism and against Arminianism may be implicitly conveyed by questions like, “What is the difference between the one who believes in Christ and the one who rejects Christ?…
Romans 11:17-24 – Can Unbelieving Ethnic Israelites Still Be Saved? Can a Believer Stop Believing?
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Mark Stengler, “The Arminian View of Election and Predestination”
Please click on the link to view Mark Stengler, “The Arminian View of Election and Predestination.” This is a basic primer on the logic behind the Arminian interpretation of the biblical doctrines of election and predestination.
Romans 11:7-10 – Who are the elect?
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Romans 11:1-6 – Has God rejected ethnic Israelites?
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Romans 10:4-13 – Who is salvation for? Is it possible?
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Romans 9-11: Key terms and categories
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
Romans 9-11: Structure and summary
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
God, Predestination & Foreknowledge
I recently heard someone say that God is watching and waiting, to see what we are going to do and what choices we will make. This person went on to say that because God is…
Dr. Anthony Chadwick Thornhill Lecture on the Jewish Roots of Paul’s Election Theology
From the video’s YouTube page, where the video may also be accessed in addition to here: This is a lecture by Dr. A. Chadwick Thornhill of Liberty University concerning the Jewish roots of Paul’s election theology.…
Dr. Michael Brown Exegetes John 6:37-44
SEA member Dr. Michael Brown responds to a caller’s question on Calvinism and John 6:44. The The video can also be accessed at YouTube here.
David Bentley Hart, “Traditio Deformis” (On Augustine’s Misreading of Romans)
Please click on the link to view David Bentley Hart, “Traditio Deformis.”
Steve Sewell, “Commentary on Romans 11”
All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. Introduction Romans 11 is one of the most important chapters in the New Testament regarding the doctrine of election, Israel and…
Sin, Reprobation and Foreknowledge: The Calvinists Attempt to Have Their Cake And Eat it Too
The doctrine of the unconditional election of a part, necessarily implies the unconditional reprobation of the rest. I know some who hold to the former, seem to deny the latter; for they represent God as…
Andrew Hnatiuk, “(Re)Thinking through Romans 9”
Share This: Via Twitter | Via Facebook *All scripture quotations are from NASB, unless otherwise noted. In his song “Context”, Calvinist recording artist Flame says: “exegesis is the careful systematic study of scripture for the…
Joe Dongell and Jerry Walls Dismantle the Famous Churchill Analogy Used by Some Calvinists
Arminian scholars Joe Dongell and Jerry Walls respond to Calvinist scholar Bruce Ware’s use of an analogy involving Winston Churchill at a debate between Dongell and Walls (Arminian side) vs. Ware and Thomas Schreiner (Calvinist side)…
Jonathan Sheehan, “Teaching Calvin in California”
Please click on the link to view this opinion piece that appeared in The New York Times on 9/12/16 by a professor of history and a co-director of the Berkeley Center for the Study of…
Can God Love All People?
Calvinist John Piper answers the question he himself frames and thus poses: “Why can’t God eternally love those who don’t believe in Him?” (link) Is there not at least one obvious and inherent flaw in…
Rich Davis, “Calvinism’s Gospel Tautology”
Christians of every stripe agree that Christ’s substitutionary and atoning work on Calvary’s cross is marvelous beyond comprehension. It is an act of unspeakable mercy, condescension, and grace—on the human level, wholly unearned and uninitiated,…