Conditional Election (the C in FACTS) [Cf. Article 1 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] There are two main views of what the Bible teaches concerning the concept of election unto salvation: that it is…
Steve Sewell, “Abraham, A Key to Understanding Election”
The doctrine of election causes a lot of confusion for a lot of Christians. So much so, that we have two major opposing positions on what election is and how it works. Calvinism represents one…
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace By Brian Abasciano (For a pdf file of the present article, see here.) The distinctive tenets of Arminian theology may…
James White on 2 Peter 3:9
In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom 1, he objects to Norman Geisler’s use of 2 Peter 3:9 in his book Chosen But Free 2. Here’s the passage. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second…
James White on Romans 8:28-30
In James White’s book, The Potter’s Freedom1, he argues for unconditional election based on Romans 8:28-30. Here’s the passage: Romans 8:28-30: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,…
Arminius on Middle Knowledge
The purpose of the post is to so demonstrate that Arminius taught that God had middle knowledge. Recently several authors, who are otherwise adherents to Arminian theology, have made claims that Arminius did not in…
Is the Atonement Sufficient For All?
Is the Atonement Sufficient For All? This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Arminianism affirms that the atonement of Christ was so glorious and powerful that it is sufficient for all to be…
4 Questions 4 Calvinists
1. If Calvinism were true, what is the point of the Final Judgment for the unbeliever? It would be like me walking into a courtroom and the judge telling me that I get a life…
To Bless the Nations: Election in Biblical and Missional Perspective
The rapid increase of those who identify as “young, restless, and Reformed” is bringing fresh attention to the doctrine of election, which is one of the definitive issues that marks the sides in the ongoing…
A Demonstration Against Calvinism
[Taken from:] With the recent publication of Michael Horton’s For Calvinism, along with Roger Olson’s reply Against Calvinism—both with Zondervan (2011)—the Calvinism/Arminianism debate has once again been vaulted front and center in evangelical circles. Horton and Olson are…
Working Through Romans 9
Working Through Romans 9 written by SEA member, Roy Ingle No doubt Calvinists come to Romans 9 and they read into the text “unconditional election unto salvation” all through the text. One Calvinist brother stated…
Glen Shellrude, “All Are Elect, Few Are Elect: Understanding New Testament Election Language”
Click on the link to view Glen Shellrude, “All Are Elect, Few Are Elect: Understanding New Testament Election Language”, Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 30.2 (Autumn 2012) 142-59. This article appeared in the Autumn 2012…
A Day With Arminius Session 4: Sin and Salvation
This is the fourth video in a fantastic series of lectures by Dr. Keith Stanglin and Dr. Thomas McCall on who Jacob Arminius was, and what he believed. McCall and Stranglin wrote the book Jacob…
A Day With Arminius
Session 3: Providence and Predestination
This is the third video in a fantastic series of lectures by Dr. Keith Stanglin and Dr. Thomas McCall on who Jacob Arminius was, and what he believed. McCall and Stranglin wrote the book Jacob…
Roger Olson, “Election Is for Everyone”
When I was a kid my brother and I would sometimes spend part of Saturday handing out gospel tracts in our neighborhood. We were pastor’s sons and probably felt some obligation to do it (as…
Arminius on Romans 7:14
Arminius on Romans 7:14
provided by SEA member, Roy Ingle
Here are the thoughts of Arminius on Romans 7:14. As I noted before, Adam Clarke felt that the whole of the passage is speaking of an unregenerate man. Arminius agreed. It was here, in his preaching through Romans, that Arminius ignited the controversy with the theologians of his day when he begin to teach that the man of Romans 7 was unregenerate. Calvin had taught that Romans 7 represented the struggle of all Christians including Paul the Apostle.
And now Arminius on Romans 7:14:
An Arminian Response to C. Michael Patton’s “The Irrationality of Calvinism” Part 5: Taking The Mystery Out of Mr. Patton’s Strange Arguments
Part 5: Taking the Mystery Out of Mr. Patton’s Strange Arguments
Patton: These two issues, human freedom and sovereign election, are not contradictory when put together, but they are a mystery.
This is the same claim Mr. Patton made in his first post called “Why Calvinism is the Least Rational Option.” We have already begun to highlight the problems with this claim.
An Arminian Response to C. Michael Patton’s “The Irrationality of Calvinism” Part 4: Returning the Favor (Reversing the Argument)
Part 4: Returning the Favor (Reversing the Argument) Patton: To the Calvinists, man is fully responsible for his choice, yet God’s election is unconditional. This creates a problem. It creates great tension. I agree that…
An Arminian Response to C. Michael Patton’s “The Irrationality of Calvinism” Part 3: False Assumptions and Question Begging
Part 3: False Assumptions and Question Begging
Patton: Therefore, [according to Arminianism] God’s predestination of people is “fair” and makes sense. After all, there are too many questions left unanswered when one says that God chooses who will be saved and who will not. Why did he choose some and not others? Did God make people to go to hell? Is God fair? “Why does he still find fault, for who resists his will?”
The Arminian chooses this position because, for them, it is the only way to reconcile human freedom and God’s election.
Here is where Mr. Patton really missteps.
An Arminian Response to C. Michael Patton’s “The Irrationality of Calvinism” Part 2: Theological Imprecision and Misrepresentations
Part 2: Theological Imprecision and Misrepresentations
Patton: However, I think we need take a step back and see that while the shoe fits when it comes to some particular issues in Calvinism these accusations are far from forming the bedrock of the primary issues in Calvinism. You see, one of the many reasons I am a Calvinist has to do with the tension that is allowed within the Calvinistic system that is not allowed in other systems.
The central core of Calvinism primarily centers on one doctrine: predestination. While the sovereignty of God has its place, it does not ultimately determine where one lands.
This is highly debatable among Calvinists. This may be Mr. Patton’s opinion, but I think that he is probably in the minority.