This post was originally published on A Clay Jar. It is the fourth in a series on Arminian soteriology. Any comments to this post can be left there at Arminianism: Sovereignty and Free Will. I had…
Free Will: Is There a Distinction Between Salvation and Everyday Actions?
A question we received through our website followed by our answer: I . . . have a question regarding the various views of free will and God’s sovereignty. Often, it seems to me,…
Andrew Lobb, “Why Knowledge Is Just Knowledge”
Let’s do a thought experiment. Imagine, if you will, you have a pretty sweet computer. Maybe one the size of a couple of solar systems – very powerful, lots of memory. Now, an important figure,…
If I only had free will (parody)
I could make a decision not bound by decreed precision I’m certain to fulfill. Nor would I be a puppet, strings pulled like Jim Henson’s muppet if I only had free will I’d unravel just…
William Lane Craig Answers Some Questions on Determinism
In his Q&A section of his site, Dr. William Lane Craig recently gave his thoughts both on Compatibilism and Determinism. One of the most interesting comments was that he doesn’t hold to the Principle of…
When It Comes to Calvinism, Logic Can Lead to Heresy
Most Calvinists I have ever read or heard or spoken to will insist that God is not the author of sin and evil. But can they, real Calvinists, say that with logic on their side? Or,…
5 Arguments For The Existence Of Free Will
Free Will is a topic debated among Christians and even some non-Christians. The Christians who affirm that men have free will in the libertarian sense are Arminians, Molinists, and Open Theists. Christians who deny free…
Early Arminian Baptist Thomas Grantham on God’s Permission vs Decree (1678)
Here is early English Arminian Baptist church planter and preacher Thomas Grantham on God’s providence and permission, from his 1678 work Christianismus Primitivus: Sect. XIII. Nothing can be done without God’s Providence, though contrary to…
Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism (Pt. 12: Free Will)
This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…
Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism (Pt. 11: Molinism Defended)
This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…
Calvinist Sleight of Hand: A Brief Arminian Interaction With Wayne Grudem’s Arguments Against the Compatibility of Foreknowledge And Conditional Election
A while back someone on the SEA discussion board referenced the following comments by Calvinist Theologian Wayne Grudem arguing against the compatibility of foreknowledge and conditional election. Below is my brief interaction with this quoted…
Is Everything that Happens God’s Will? – Michael Brown
If you have trouble seeing the video, you can follow this link:
Great Quotes: Daniel Whedon on Foreknowledge and Free Will
“Whether there is any foreknowledge or not, it is certain that there will be one particular course of future events and no other. On the most absolute doctrine of freedom there will be, as we…
Andrew Hnatiuk, “On Assurance of Salvation and Calvin’s ‘Evanescent Grace’”
Calvinist blogger C Michael Patton from Credo House writes (Link): It may surprise you to know that just about every contact I have had with people who are doubting their salvation are Calvinistic in their…
Great Quotes: Thomas Ralston on Calvinist Arguments Against Free Will Based on Greatest Motive Force
Let us now contemplate these motives which are said to act upon the mind so as necessarily to influence the will. Let us look them full in the face, and ask the question, What are…
Ben Henshaw, “A Brief Review of ‘Free Will: Pagan and Unbiblical'”
A Calvinists site promoted this video on their site a few years ago: “Free Will: Pagan and Unbiblical”. I forced myself to watch it, which wasn’t easy. Here are my brief, informal comments on the…
Greg Boyd – Calvinism Explained in 10 Minutes
The video may also be accessed on YouTube here. Greg Boyd is an Open Theist, which is a position SEA disagrees with. However, this video clip is not about Open Theism, but Calvinism. And it has…
Calvinism And The Fall: The Problem Ignored Again
Just saw this post called “Man’s Will: Before And After the Fall” which opens with these words: Augustine and the Calvinistic tradition in general define the will’s freedom, or lack thereof, in relation to sin.…
Debate: Roger and Faith Forster vs. James White
From the video’s YouTube page, which may be accessed here: Unbelievable? with Justin Brierley, August 1, 2009. Calvinist, James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries debates ex-Calvinist Arminians, Roger and Faith Forster of ICHTHUS Christian…
Brian Abasciano, “Addressing the Calvinist Challenge, ‘Why Did You Believe and Your Neighbor Did Not?'”
For many Calvinists, the best argument for Calvinism and against Arminianism may be implicitly conveyed by questions like, “What is the difference between the one who believes in Christ and the one who rejects Christ?…