I had the privilege of sitting down for over an hour with Dr. Dale Wayman, one of the Vice Presidents of the Society of Evangelical Arminians. The following article is a transcript from part of…
Video: Calvinism Breaks Down in the Counseling Office
SEA member Dan Chapa, moderator, and Dr. Dale V. Wayman, VP of the Society of Evangelical Arminians, discuss issues with Calvinism and counseling. The video can also be viewed on YouTube through this link.:
Richard Coords, “Prayer”
Prayer is communicating with God, and prayer changes things. It changes both us and God. It changes us because it centers our attention around Him and it changes God because God is an emotional Being…
Roy Ingle, “The Inconsistency of Calvinism On Free Will and Sovereignty”
The nature of divine sovereignty and human freedom has been often debated by both Arminian and Calvinist theologians for centuries. From the birth of the early Church, human freedom and divine sovereignty have often been…
How Would You Interpret John 6:44-45 from an Arminian Perspective?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Richard Coords, “Permission”
Knowing that evil would come to pass, why didn’t God prevent it? Calvinists use that question to infer determinism, meaning that God must have secretly wanted evil, or else otherwise He could have stopped it,…
Richard Coords, “Perfection”
Is the Calvinist concept of God the greatest conceivable Being? William Lane Craig responded to a Muslim’s question and concluded that Islam’s conception of God was not the greatest conceivable Being and so, naturally, one…
Video: Michael Brown, “Why Calvinism Does Not Reflect the Nature and Character of God”
The video can be found on YouTube at this link.
Richard Coords, “Patience”
Throughout the scriptures we see evidence of God’s patience and long suffering with mankind: Nehemiah 9:30: “For many years you were patient with them. By your Spirit you warned them through your prophets. Yet they…
Video Sermon: Casey Getz, “God’s Plan of Salvation” Romans 9:1-27
The video’s description on Vimeo: Pastor Casey does a wonderful job walking through this portion of scripture. This is more of an in depth study. Get out your number 2 pencils and be blessed. Here…
Richard Coords, “Omniscience”
Divine omniscience is the characteristic of an all-knowing God, and although we believe that God knows everything, we candidly admit that we do not know how God knows anything. The same perplexity also exists concerning…
Can You Explain 2 Timothy 2:25-26 from an Arminian Perspective Since Calvinists Appeal to It for Support?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Richard Coords, “Omnipotence”
Being omnipotent means being all-powerful. But what does it mean for God to be all-powerful, and more specifically, what does it mean for God to govern all-powerfully? Many imagine how they might govern the universe.…
Richard Coords, “Middle Knowledge”
Middle Knowledge is the knowledge of contingencies (i.e. the knowledge of the what-if’s), which exemplifies an extreme sense of divine omniscience. [Editor’s note: This is often how “middle knowledge” is thought of popularly. But more…
How Do You Understand the Radical Diversity of Beliefs from Some Well Intentioned People Who Want to Believe but Can’t Bring Themselves to Commit to Belief?
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Beth Felker Jones, “Reader Questions: Free Will, Election, and the God Who Saves: Let Every Soul Be Jesus’ Guest”
Click on the link to view Beth Felker Jones, “Reader Questions: Free Will, Election, and the God Who Saves: Let Every Soul Be Jesus’ Guest.”
Clay Jones, “Is Divine Determinism Biblical?”
Please clcik on the link to view Clay Jones, “Is Divine Determinism Biblical?”
Ben Henshaw, “An Arminian Response to the Calvinist Claim That Acts 4:27-28 Proves Compatibilism”
Another passage Piper makes use of to demonstrate that God decrees sin is Acts 4:27, 28. He quotes Edwards to make his point. The death of Jesus offers another example of how God’s sovereign will…
Ben Henshaw, “An Arminian Response to the Calvinist Use of Genesis 50:20 as a Prooftext for Compatibilism”
[This post is an excerpt from John Piper on God Ordaining All Sin And Evil Part 1: An Arminian Response to Piper’s First “Question”] “Piper quotes numerous passages of Scripture that he believes support his…
Richard Coords, “Justice”
God is the author of all things, but not the author of all effects. Otherwise, one could convict God of all murder, malice and mayhem, and rationalize that it was God who made the serial…