The video below may also be accessed on YouTube at While not focused on Arminian/Calvinist issues, we include this lecture on our sight because it elucidates the corporate/collectivist perspective of the culture of the…

, SEA , Comment Closed
The video below may also be accessed on YouTube at While not focused on Arminian/Calvinist issues, we include this lecture on our sight because it elucidates the corporate/collectivist perspective of the culture of the…
, Martin Glynn , Comment Closed
Church Splits occur when a significant portion of a church leaves to form a separate church. Calvinism is a common cause of such splits. It usually occurs when a new pastor is hired and conceals…
, Martin Glynn , Comment Closed
It is easy for us to get caught up in theological debates. Sometimes we need to take a step back, and simply pray for our opponents, and love them. Dr. Michael Brown’s comments here are…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
The first question both Christians and non-Christians alike ask when someone claims a miracle is: Has it been verified? If it is a healing that is claimed, as happened in Breakthrough, then what do the…
, Martin Glynn , Comment Closed
Some pastors, preachers, professors, and parishioners will announce they have “no creed but the Bible.” Last year’s very substantive discussion/debate about the sub-orthodoxy of eternal subordinationists, like Wayne Grudem, Bruce Ware, Owen Strachan and others,…
, drwayman , Comment Closed
“Uncle Buddy” Robinson was a popular evangelist in the early Church of the Nazarene. He claimed to have preached 32,176 sermons and won 200,000 converts. His preaching style was known for it’s simplicity, yet is…
, SEA , Comment Closed
The August, 2014 issue of the journal First Things (online) contains an article by Westminster Theological Seminary church history professor Carl R. Trueman entitled “A Church for Exiles: Why Reformed Christianity Provides the Best Basis…
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed